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胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3

 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-16 11:53:25 | 只看该作者
Halloween 万圣节前夕
Anatomy Field Trip 解剖学实地考察
A Bum Deal 流浪汉倾囊相助
A Visit to Shaolin 参观少林寺
The Paralympic Games 残疾人奥林匹克运动会


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 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-16 12:14:13 | 只看该作者
My First Date 第一次约会
Never Tease Bees 千万别招惹蜜蜂
Football?? 足球?橄榄球?
One Silver Dollar 一枚银币
Go Water Skiing 去滑水


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 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-16 12:18:34 | 只看该作者
The Thinker 思想家
Piano Lessons 钢琴课
The First American Woman in Space 美国第一位女宇航员
Tennis Racket 网坛骗局
Avalanche! 雪崩!


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 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-16 12:19:40 | 只看该作者
Hard Labor 苦力
The Missing Cat 失踪的猫

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lemon1216 发表于 07-5-16 22:38:31 | 只看该作者
cosuu 发表于 07-5-17 18:01:34 | 只看该作者
 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-18 15:09:58 | 只看该作者
谢谢~ 对不住各位的是没有文本听起来费力了 ,我尽量补上
 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-18 18:28:43 | 只看该作者

Now that Billy\'s parents were a little more affluent,the family had agreed taht they could afford better accommodation,so they moved to a cottage on the outskirts of town,Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned,the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights.The day that they moved,the air was heavy with the advent of spring,a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way;Billy and the old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window,browsing through the family album every now and then.When they arrived,a group of men were unloading the van.Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on the agenda,so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure.They found a small footpath,Rufus showing his ecitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail.Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature.The adverse effects of those yearsin the city seemed to vanish as he walked,and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible.However,he had reckoned without Rufus.They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly,in the next field,they saw sheep.Rufus knew a good game when he saw one,he ran straight into the field,barking aggressively.Just then,a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field.With asense of alarm,Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw himlevel it and take aim at Rufus.
    \"Please don\'t shoot\" ,yelled Billy,but his seemed to aggravate the man still more.The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony.He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs.The man strode over to Billy.
    \"Those sheep are pregnant,\" the man said,angrily.\"If you agitate them they can lose their lambs.I will affirm my right to kill any dog that chases them.\"
    \"I agree,\" said Billy.\"And I\'m sorry,please;help me to get Rufus to vet!\"
    \"I don\'t think your dog will need a vet this time,\" said the man,\"the gun was only loaded with salt.But next time,keep him on a lead,okay?\"
 楼主| newage 发表于 07-5-18 19:03:54 | 只看该作者
第四篇:Freshman Year

I was born in a small town,up in the mountains.Because of the high altitude,few people lived there.I was always amid my neighbors and friends,people I had known for all my life.When I was in my hometown,I felt like those days would last forever.But the days went by quickly,and soon I found myself packing my bags for college.I was full of ambition,and had applied to go to university in a big city.
    When I first got to my university,I was on the alert for everything.I felt very much alone without my family and friends.I was like an alien arriving on a new planet.I felt like an ambassador from another world.Once classes started,things were better.I was busier,because I had to allocate most of my time to studying.I wanted to work hard,and did not allow myself to go to a large amount of parties.I wanted to find an alternate social life that would let me have fun,without always drinking alcohol,like some university students do.Many people allege that this is why some students get bad grades their first year at university.
    Because I felt very ambiguous about what I wanted to study,I took many different classes.I tried many different things,but still hadn\'t found the perfect match for me.This made me feel even more lost at school,and I knew I had to find a way to amend things.In order to make new friends,and alleviate my loneliness,I joined the drama club at my school.It was there I met my first ally.The president of the drama club was an older student,named Betty.She was quite amiable,and helped give me advice about school.She helped me to alter my schedule so that I had the best classes.
    Soon our drama club put on its first show.It was a comedy,full of jokes to amuse the audience.My parents and friends even drove out to watch me.We were only amateur actors,but O think we did a good job.After the show,my father said,\"Sarah,you amaze me,I didn\'t know you were so good at acting!\" Such ample praise made me very proud.That was when I realized what I wanted to be,an actress!

悠悠菲 发表于 07-5-18 19:17:54 | 只看该作者
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