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tyropapa 发表于 10-3-29 18:56:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
allow  •  let  •  grant  •  permit  •  entitle  •  authorize  •  license  •  qualify  •  OK  •  sanction  •  empower •  clear
These words all mean to decide or say that sb may do sth or receive sth, or that sth may happen.

►  to allow/​permit/​entitle/​authorize/​license/​empower/​clear  sb to do sth
►  to let  sb do sth
►  to allow/​let/​permit  yourself  sth/(to) do sth
►  to allow/​be entitled to/​authorize/​sanction  payment
►  to be  legally  allowed/​permitted/​entitled/​authorized/​sanctioned/​empowered
►  to be  officially  allowed/​permitted/​entitled/​authorized/​sanctioned
►  to be  (not) normally  allowed/​granted/​permitted/​entitled
►  to  automatically  grant sth/​entitle sb to sth/​qualify sb for sth

allow [ T ]  
to decide or say that sb may do or have sth, or that sth may happen or be done
I sometimes  allow  myself the luxury of a cigar.
  OPP   forbid

let [ T ]  
to allow sb to do sth or allow sth to happen without trying to stop it
They won't let him leave the country.
   When it means ‘allow’  let  is not used in the passive :  The children are never let play outside.  (wrong)
However,  let  can also mean ‘to open a door so that sb can go in or out’ and in this meaning it can be active or passive:  I'll give you a key so you can  let  yourself  in .  
Note the difference between  let sb out  ( = open the door for them )  and  allow sb out  ( = give them permission to go out ) .

grant [ T ,  often passive ] ( rather formal )  
to agree to give sb what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do sth
The judge granted an injunction preventing the newspaper from printing the names.

permit [ T ] ( formal )  
to allow sb to do sth; to allow sth to happen
They were permitted to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds.
  OPP   ban ,  forbid ,  prohibit

entitle [ T ,  often passive ]  
to give sb the right to have or do sth
Passengers will be  entitled to  a full refund of the cost of the ticket.

authorize  ( BrE  also   -ise ) [ T ]  
to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth
The police were authorized to record his phone conversations.
  OPP   prohibit

license  ( BrE  also ,  less frequent   licence ) [ T ]  
to give sb official permission to do, own or use sth; to give official permission for sth to be done
Several companies are licensed to put the logo on their products.

qualify [ I ,  T ]  
to have the right to do or receive sth; to give sb this right
To qualify for membership a company must prove that it is well managed and financially sound.

OK (also  okay ) [ T ] ( informal )  
to officially agree to sth or allow it to happen
The property has to be valued before a mortgage loan is OK'd.

sanction [ T ] ( formal )  
to give permission for sth to happen
The military refused to sanction a transfer of power to a civilian government.

empower [ T ,  often passive ] ( formal )  
to give sb the power or authority to do sth
The committees are empowered to take evidence from ministers, civil servants and outside experts.

clear [ T ]  
to give or get official approval for sth to be done; to give official permission for a person, ship, plane or goods to leave or enter a place, or for a person to be given special work or see special papers
I'll have to  clear it with  the manager before I can refund your money.
magic9901 发表于 10-3-30 03:58:25 | 只看该作者


permit [ T ] ( formal ) 允许
to allow sb to do sth; to allow sth to happen

They were permitted to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds.

OPP ban , forbid , prohibit

反义词 禁令,禁止,禁止
entitle [ T , often passive ] 授权
to give sb the right to have or do sth

Passengers will be entitled to a full refund of the cost of the ticket。

yingyingjiayou 发表于 10-3-30 18:03:08 | 只看该作者


allow [ T ] 许可;承认
to decide or say that sb may do or have sth, or that sth may happen or be done
I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a cigar.
OPP forbid 禁止

Jack had allowed himself to become fat.

承认, 认为
The referee refused to allow the goal.
You must allow yourself to be wrong.

承认, 容许(of)
原谅, 体谅; 斟酌, 考虑到, 连...算在内; 为...酌留余地以防(for)
allow of no excuse
allow for the circumstances
体谅某人的处境; 考虑具体情况
We must allow for his youth.
The journey usually takes six weeks but you should allow for delays caused by bad weather.
这段旅程通常需六周时间, 但你应当把坏天气造成的延误也要考虑进去。
一竹法师 发表于 10-3-31 00:04:26 | 只看该作者
无知小生 发表于 10-3-31 12:27:50 | 只看该作者
结冰的眼泪 发表于 10-3-31 13:18:55 | 只看该作者
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 14:04:28 | 只看该作者
1. (a)[T] permit (sb/sth) to do sth 允許, 許可, 准許(某人[某事物])做某事物:
      eg:My boss doesn\'t allow me to use the telephone. 老闆不許我使用電話.
           Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不得吸煙.  
      (b) [T] let (sth) be done or happen 容許(某事物)發生:
      eg:Photography is not allowed in this theatre. 本劇院內不准攝影.
           We don\'t allow smoking in our house. 在我們家裡不容許吸煙.
      (c) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被動語態] (usu negative 通常作否定式) permit (sb/sth) to go in 准予(某人[某物])進入:  
      eg:Dogs not allowed/No dogs allowed, ie It is not permitted to bring dogs into this park, building, etc. 不准攜狗入內.

2 ~ sth to sb let sb have sth 讓某人得到某事物:
      eg:This diet allows you one glass of wine a day. 這種規定飲食可讓你每天喝一杯酒.
           How much holiday are you allowed? 你有多少天假?
           I\'m not allowed visitors. 不准我有訪客.

3 [Tn,] ~ sth (for sb/sth) provide sth or set sth aside for a purpose or in estimating sth (為某目的或作估計)留出, 打出某事物:
      eg:allow four sandwiches each/per head 給每人準備四塊三明治
           You must allow three metres for a long-sleeved dress. 做長袖的衣服你得打出三米來.

4 (a) [Tn, Tf] (law 律) agree that (sth) is true or correct 同意(某事物)屬實或正確:
      eg:The judge allowed my claim. 法官同意了我的要求.
           He allowed that I had the right to appeal. 他同意我有權上訴.
  (b) [Tf, Tnt] (fml 文) accept (sth); admit 接受(某事物); 承認:
      eg:Even if we allow that the poet was mad... 即使我們承認那位詩人是瘋子...
           Many allow him to be the leading artist in his field. 很多人都認為他在這一藝術領域首屈一指.

5 (phr v) allow for sb/sth include sb/sth in one\'s calculations 在計算﹑ 估計﹑ 考慮時包括某人[某事物]:
      eg:It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽擱算進去, 你要用半小時才能到車站.
  allow sb in, out, up, etc permit sb to enter, leave, get up, etc 允許某人進入﹑ 離開﹑ 起來等:  
      eg:She won\'t allow the children in(to the house) until they\'ve wiped their shoes. 孩子們不把鞋擦乾淨, 她就不讓他們進(屋).

> allowable [adj] that is or can be allowed by law, the rules, etc (法律﹑ 規則等)可容許的; 可承認的: allowable expenses 許可支出.
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 15:13:23 | 只看该作者
let 1  
1.[Cn.i no passive 不用於被動語態] (often with the infinitive omitted when the context is clear 連用的動詞不定式在上下文清楚時常省略) allow (sb/sth) to 允許, 讓(某人[某事物])...:
eg:Don\'t let your child play with matches. 別讓孩子玩火柴.
     She asked me if she could leave but I wouldn\'t let her (leave). 她問我她是否可以走, 可我不讓她走.

2. [, Tn.p] allow (sb/oneself/sth) to go or pass in, etc 允許(某人[自己/某事物])進入, 通過:
eg:let sb into the house 允許某人進屋
     You\'ve let all the air out of the tyres. 你讓車胎的氣都跑光了.
     The roof lets water through. 屋頂漏雨.
     Windows let in light and air. 窗戶可透光及通風.

3.[Cn.i no passive 不用於被動語態] (used as an imperative 用於祈使語氣)
(a) (with the first person plural to make a suggestion 與複數第一人稱連用, 用以提出建議):
eg:Let\'s go to the cinema. 咱們看電影去吧.
(b) (in requests and commands 用於要求與命令):
eg:Let the work be done immediately. 工作要馬上完成.
(c) (used to express an assumption, eg in mathematics 用以表示假設, 如於數學中):
eg:Let line AB be equal to line CD. 設AB線與CD線等長.
(d) (used to express defiance 用以表示違抗或蔑視):
eg:Let them attack: we\'ll defeat them anyway. 讓他們進攻吧, 反正我們必勝.

4. [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/off) (to sb) allow sb to use (a house, room, etc) in return for regular payments 出租(房子﹑ 房間等):
eg:I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers). 我把多餘的房間出租(給房客).

5. (idm 習語)
let sb/sth `be not disturb or interfere with sb/sth 不打擾或不干涉某人[某事物]:
eg:Let me be, I want a rest. 別打擾我, 我要休息.
let it `go (at `that) say or do no more about sth 不再多說; 不再多做; 就那樣吧:
eg:I don\'t agree with all you say, but I\'ll let it go at that. 我並不完全同意你說的話, 但我不再多說了.
let oneself `go
(a) no longer restrain one\'s feelings, desires, etc 盡情發洩感情﹑ 放縱慾望等:
eg:Go on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go. 繼續玩, 盡情地玩個痛快吧.
(b) stop being careful, tidy, conscientious, etc 不再謹慎﹑ 整齊﹑ 認真等:
eg:He has let himself go a bit since he lost his job. 他自從失業以來變得有點邋遢了.
let sb/sth go; let go of sb/sth release (one\'s hold of) sb/sth 鬆開或釋放某人[某事物]:
eg:let the rope go/let go of the rope 鬆開繩子
     Will they let the hostages go? 他們會釋放人質嗎?
let me `see I\'m thinking or trying to remember 讓我想想:
eg:Let me see where did I leave my hat? 讓我想想看--我把帽子落在哪兒了?
let us `say for example 比如; 例如; 譬如:
eg:If the price is 500, let us say, is that too much? 價錢嘛, 比如說500英鎊吧, 是不是太貴了?
to `let available for renting 待租; 出租:
eg:Rooms to let, eg on a sign outside a house 房間出租(如房屋外的招貼).

6.(phr v)
let sb down fail to help sb; disappoint sb 不幫助某人; 使某人失望:
eg:Please come and support me. Don\'t let me down. 請來支持我. 可別不幫忙.
     This machine won\'t let you down, ie is very reliable. 這部機器不會出毛病, 你儘管放心.
let sth down
(a) lower sth 放下; 降下:
eg:We let the bucket down by a rope. 我們用繩子把桶吊下去.
(b) deflate sth 放掉某物的氣:
eg:let sb\'s tyres down 把某人車胎的氣放掉.
let sth in make (a garment, etc) narrower 將(衣物等)改窄, 改瘦:
eg:This skirt needs letting in at the waist. 這裙子的腰部需要改瘦.
let sb/oneself in for sth (infml 口) cause sb/oneself to suffer (sth unpleasant) 使某人[自已]惹上(不愉快的事):
eg:You\'re letting yourself in for trouble by buying that rusty old car. 你買那輛生了?的舊汽車是自找麻煩.
let sb in on/into sth (infml 口) allow sb to share (a secret, etc) 讓某人知道(秘密等):
eg:Are you going to let them in on the plans? 你是否打算讓他們知道這些計劃?
let sth into sth put sth into the surface of sth 將某物置入另物的表面:
eg:window let into a wall 嵌進牆壁的窗戶.
let sb off (with sth) not punish sb (severely) 不(嚴厲)懲罰某人:
eg:She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 沒讓她入獄, 而是罰款了事.
     Don\'t let these criminals off lightly, ie Punish them severely. 不要輕易放過這些罪犯.
let sb off (sth) not compel sb to do (sth) 不強迫某人做(某事物):
eg:We\'ve been let off school today because our teacher is ill. 今天學校放假, 因為我們的老師病了.
let sth off fire sth off; explode sth 放槍炮﹑ 煙火等:
eg:The boys were letting off fireworks. 男孩子在放煙火.
let `on (about sth/that...) (to sb) (infml 口) reveal a secret 洩露秘密:
eg:I\'m getting married next week, but please don\'t let on (to anyone) (about it), will you? 下星期我就要結婚了, 但(這事)請不要洩露(給任何人), 行嗎?
let sb out release sb from sth, esp sth unpleasant 放過某人免受某事之累(尤指不愉快事):
eg:The teacher said only Janet, George and Sue were to be punished, so that let me out. 老師說只懲罰珍妮特﹑ 喬治和休, 因而饒了我.
let sth out
(a) make (a garment, etc) looser or larger 放寬, 放大(衣服等):
eg:He\'s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out round the waist. 他越來越胖, 褲腰都得放寬了.
(b) utter (a cry, etc) 發出(叫喊等):
eg:She let out a scream of terror. 她發出恐怖的叫喊.
(c) reveal (a secret, etc) 洩露(秘密等):
eg:Don\'t let it out about me losing my job, will you? 別把我丟了工作一事洩露出去, 行嗎?
let sb through allow sb to pass an exam or a test 評定某人及格:
eg:I\'m a hopeless driver, but the examiner let me through. 我開車的技術糟透了, 但考官讓我及格了.
let `up become less strong, intense, etc; relax one\'s efforts 減弱; 緩和; 減少; 減小; 放鬆:
eg:Will the rain ever let up? 雨什麼時候才能小些?
      We mustn\'t let up, even though we\'re winning. 我們即使快贏了也決不可松勁.
# ``let-down [n] disappointment 失望; 沮喪:
eg:The party was a big let-down. 這個聚會令人大失所望.
`let-up[ n] reduction in strength, intensity, etc; relaxation of efforts 減弱; 緩和; 減少; 減小; 放鬆:
eg:There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 綁架危機毫無緩和跡象.

let 2  
[n] (Brit) letting of property; lease 出租; 租出:
eg:I can\'t get a let for my house, ie find anyone to rent it from me. 我的房子租不出去.
> letting[ n] property that is let or to be let 出租或招租的建築物或土地:
eg:a furnished letting, ie a furnished house or flat that is let 帶傢俱的房屋出租
     a holiday letting 度假房屋出租.
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 15:21:08 | 只看该作者
1. (a) [Tn, Dn.n] agree to give or allow (what is asked for) 同意給予或允許(所求):
eg:grant a favour, request, etc 答應幫忙﹑ 請求等
     They granted him permission to go. 他們准許他去.
     The minister granted journalists an interview. 部長答應接見記者.
(b) [Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) give sth formally or legally 正式或依法給予某物:
eg:These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity. 這些土地依法永遠歸我們家族所有.
     She was granted a pension. 她得到了養老金.

2. [Tn, Tf, Dn.f] (fml 文) agree or admit (that sth is true) 同意或承認(某事屬實):
eg:grant the truth of what sb says 承認某人所說屬實
     I grant he\'s been ill, but that doesn\'t excuse him. 我承認他是病了, 但是那也不能原諒他.
     I grant you she\'s a clever woman, but I wouldn\'t want to work for her. 我同意你說的, 她很精明, 可是我不想為她工作.

3.(idm 習語)
take sb/sth for `granted be so familiar with sb/sth that one no longer appreciates his/its full value 因熟悉某人[某事物]而覺察不出其真正價值:
eg:He never praises his wife: he just takes her for granted. 他從不誇妻子, 只是覺得她一切理當如此.
take sth for `granted assume sth to be true 認為某事屬實:
eg:I take it for granted you have read this book. 我認為你一定讀過這本書.

> grant [n] ~ (to do sth/towards sth) thing given for a particular purpose, esp money from the government 授予物; (尤指政府的)撥款:
eg:student grants, ie to pay for their education 學生助學金
     award sb a research grant 給某人研究經費
granted [adv] (used to admit the truth of a statement before introducing a contrary argument 用以肯定某事物屬實, 然後提出相反的論據):
eg:Granted, it\'s a splendid car, but have you seen how much it costs! 的確, 那汽車很漂亮, 可你看過價錢了嗎?
0118xx 发表于 10-3-31 15:32:01 | 只看该作者
太好了 哦 [s:4]
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