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tyropapa 发表于 10-5-11 19:52:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


crash slam collide smash plough into sth bang into sth wreck write sth off total
These are all words that can be used when sth, especially a vehicle, hits sth else very hard.


to crash/​slam/​smash/​plough/​bang into sth
to crash/​slam/​smash sth into sth
two vehicles crash/​collide
two vehicles crash/​slam/​smash/​bang into each other
to crash/​smash/​wreck/​write off/​total a car/​truck/​vehicle
to crash/​collide head-on

crash [ I , T ] ( rather informal )
to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this
I was terrified that the plane would crash .

slam phrasal verb [ I , T ] ( always used with into or against ) to crash into sth with a lot of force; to make sth do this
The force of the explosion slammed me against the wall.

collide [ I ] ( rather formal ) (of two vehicles or people) to crash into each other; (of a vehicle or person) to crash into sb/sth else
The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.

smash [ I , T ] ( rather informal )
to crash into sth with a lot of force; to make sth do this; to crash a car
A bullet smashed into the wall behind them.
crash, slam or smash? Crash is used especially to talk about vehicles and can be used without a preposition: We're going to crash , aren't we? In this meaning slam and smash always take a preposition : [strike]We're going to slam/smash, aren't we? [/strike]They are used for talking about a much wider range of things than just vehicles. Crash can also be used to talk about other things, if used with a preposition: He crashed down the telephone receiver.

plough into sth phrasal verb ( BrE ) ( AmE plow into sth )
(especially of a vehicle or its driver) to crash into sth with a lot of force, especially because you are driving too fast or not paying enough attention
A truck ploughed into the back of the bus.

bang into sth phrasal verb ( rather informal )
to crash into or hit sth by mistake
I banged into a chair and hurt my leg.

wreck / BrE ; AmE / [ T ]
to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing
The road was littered with wrecked cars.

write sth off / BrE ; AmE / phrasal verb ( BrE , rather informal ) to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing
He's written off two cars this year. ►  write-off noun [ C ]: She survived the crash with minor injuries, but the car was a write-off.

total [ T -ll- , AmE -l- ( especially AmE , informal , spoken )
to damage sth, especially a vehicle, so badly that it is not worth repairing
She never forgave him for totaling her car.
wreck, write sth off or total? Vehicles are written off or totalled by accident. They can be wrecked by accident or deliberately, especially for fun: youths who steal and wreck fast cars

magic9901 发表于 10-5-12 03:30:19 | 只看该作者
crash [ I , T ] ( rather informal ) 碰撞,坠毁(不正式)
to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this

I was terrified that the plane would crash .


slam phrasal verb [ I , T ]惯用语动词,撞击,冲击

( always used with into or against ) to crash into sth with a lot of force; to make sth do this
The force of the explosion slammed me against the wall.

shuangily 发表于 10-5-12 19:52:40 | 只看该作者
vt. & vi. (使)猛撞, (使)撞毁
vi. 1 猛冲直撞 2 发出巨响 3 突然失败, 倒闭
n. 1 撞车事故, 失事 2 突然发出的巨响, 碰撞声 3 破产, 失败
vt. & vi. 砰地关上(门或窗)
vt. 猛烈抨击
n. 猛然关闭的声音
vi. 1 相撞, 碰撞 2 冲突, 抵触, 不一致
n. 1 破碎(声) 2 猛击; 猛撞 3 大成功; 极为成功的新书[新戏, 电影等]
vt. & vi. 打碎; 捣烂
vt. 重击; 打败

plough into  sth
1 用犁把…犁入土中 2 积极投入工作 3 冲入; 冲到 4 对…进行投资
bang into  sth

vt. 毁坏[毁灭]某物
write off  sth
1 流利地写下, 迅速写出 2 损失掉, 排除 3 毁掉; 结束掉

adj. 1 总计的; 全部的 2 完全的; 全然的
n. 总计, 总数
vt. & vi. 计算

I was terrified that the plane would crash .

The force of the explosion slammed me against the wall.
The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.

A bullet smashed into the wall behind them.

A truck ploughed into the back of the bus.

I banged into a chair and hurt my leg.

The road was littered with wrecked cars.

He's written off two cars this year.

She never forgave him for totaling her car.
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