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迦思佑2010年考研英语写作定量分析与定性 绝好的材料

a11a2233 发表于 10-5-15 13:20:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small village. Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their    regime,    enrich    their    culture,    update    their    technology    and    so    forth,    but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword:  it can bring both benefit and harm. (Present state/situation 现象描述+ /Meaning 含义) 中文:这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/ 世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet 给予了这个 世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技 术等等,但全球化/Internet 是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。

We must first understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world. On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American culture.

中文:我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet  为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了 广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet  最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球


互联网(Internet Age/ The arrival of the Internet has speeded up globalization. Currently in China, many Internet cafes, especially those without licenses, admit juveniles in violation of relevant regulations and spread unhealthy information online. They have brought great harm to the mental health of teenagers and interfered with the school teaching, which has aroused strong reaction from the public. China has the largest population of young netizens in the world, but they turn to the Internet mostly to play games. The top three activities are online entertainment (39.9 percent), sports (18.3 percent) and watching television (12.3 percent). While blogs, or personal Web logs, have drawn a lot of media attention as a major focus of Internet use, it is clear that young people in particular use the Web for entertainment. Seeking leisure and entertainment has been the primary reason that drives many netizens online, the majority of whom are youngsters. So the issue of China’s youth resorting to the Internet for entertainment deserves some attention from our society,” The number of China’s netizens reached 111 million in 2005, according to the 17th China Internet Development Statistics Report, released in January by the China Internet Network Information Center. And China’s cyberspace is dominated by young people. Those between the age of 18 and 24 make up the largest proportion of Internet users, at 35.1 percent. Netizens under the age of 30 account for 71 percent of the total, the report shows. The survey shows that the top five Internet activities are reading news (65.9 percent), browsing Web pages (65.2 percent), playing online games (62.2 percent), downloading music (56.5 percent) and downloading entertainment content (53.5 percent). Internet addiction, mostly resulting from playing online games, is claimed to be the largest problem threatening the healthy growth and development of Chinese youth. Statistics from the 2005 China Youth Internet Addiction Research Report show that 13.2 percent of young Chinese netizens suffer from Internet addiction disorder, and another 13 percent have the tendency to become addicted to the Internet. He holds that online entertainment is nothing than Internet “opium,” and he calls on young people to abandon their computer screens and get out Internet cafes to seek real entertainment in the real world.)

青少年(young  teenagers/young  adult/young  children  Since  the mid-1990s,  there  have  been about
250,000 suicides every year in China, with suicide ranking as the chief cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 34. A recent report of the World Health Organization says that over 90 per cent of the suicides in foreign countries suffer from mental problems. But in China 37 per cent of the suicides choose killing themselves as a way to escape daily pressure or disappointments. A recent case of suicide by a boy addicted to Internet games has increased the public's concern over the issue of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). Xiao Yi, a 13-year-old from Tianjin, committed suicide thinking that he would meet his friends from cyber space after he died. He jumped from the top of a 24-storey high-rise, Beijing Youth Daily reported yesterday. He left four notes before he committed suicide. In the letters Xiao, playing the role of a character from a computer game, said that he wanted to meet three friends who also played the game in paradise. He did not even mention his parents in the letters. In the hypothetical world created by such games, they become confident and gain satisfaction, which they cannot get in the real world, he said. Shen Qiyun, a professor at Beijing Normal University, who has studied the influence on teenagers of such games since 2001, said that currently 80 percent of computer games are imported from abroad, half of which

are related to a "demon world," martial arts and violence, which are not healthy influences on teenagers. The country has strengthened its supervision and management of computer games. Increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression are thought to have contributed to an annual suicide toll that is estimated at 250,000 people a year. According to the China Daily, an additional 2.5 million to 3.5 million make unsuccessful attempts to kill themselves each year.

精神空虚(the void spirit/ A lot of people who commit suicide are result from their void spirit. there is a spiritual void in China. Establish and implement the scientific view of development and push forward   the   coordinated   development   between   socialist   material   civilization,   political civilization and spiritual civilization.)

Internet Age    网络时代 blog        网络博客 Internet cafes    网吧
juvenile    青少年,少年
teenager    青少年(13 至 19 岁的人)
netizen         网民,网虫 online entertainment         在线娱乐 globalization        全球化 youngster    年青人, 少年
cyberspace    网际空间,电脑空间
browsing Web pages    浏览网页
playing online games    玩网络游戏
downloading music         下载音乐 Internet “opium”        网络鸦片 demon world        魔兽世界 Internet Addiction Disorder         网迷症 environmental pollution    环境污染

1)Obviously/apparently/clearly/undoubtedly/evidently/manifestly/unambiguously/unequivocally,                 the meaning/message/purpose  conveyed/indicated/suggested/implied/hinted   by  the  picture  not  only show    that    …….,    but,    what     is     more/even     more     important,        that    this        social problem/phenomenon/issue, which the picture points out, is simply/merely/just/only one of numerous/many/various         social           phenomena      to        have            become commonplace/ordinary/normal/usual/unexceptional     and        already        attracted
broad/great/close/universal/general attention in China in recent years, such as energy crisis, environmental pollution and so forth. In a word/in brief/on the whole, over the past quarter of a century/since     1980s/for     more     than     20     years,    China    has    firmly implemented/enforced/fulfilled/executed/performed the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, which has brought about/attained/gained/reached/achieved/won rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment/improvement of people's living standard, while China has been experiencing/facing/confronting/undergoing/suffering/encountering

a variety of/a number of/ a series of/ problems and challenges. (140 字) 中文:很明显,这幅图画的目的不仅仅是向我们展现 …… ,而更重要地是告诉我们,图片中指出的这 个社会问题仅仅是在最近几年的中国许多已经变得司空见惯,并且已经引起了广泛关注的社会问题之一, 诸如能源危机、环境污染等等。一句话,在过去的二十多年里,中国已经稳固地实施了改革开放政策, 向世界打开国门,中国已经取得了快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步、人们生活水平不断地得到改善, 同时中国也一直在经历着各种各样的问题和挑战。

环境保护(environmental protect/ Environmental investment is gradually becoming a critical factor for the implementation of  environmental policy,  research  and  development of  environmental  technology, solution of outstanding environmental problems, improvement in overall environmental quality, and achievement of sustainable development. China faces "grave" soil pollution that jeopardizes the ecology, food safety, people's health and the sustainable development of agriculture, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA). China should introduce advanced coal-burning/energy and resource saving technologies that would help increase energy efficiency and protect the environment.) 中文:在环境保护方面的资金投入逐渐地成为关键的因素,对于环境政策的实施、环境保护技术的研究 和开发、突出的环境问题的解决、整体环境质量的改善和可持续发展的实现来说。中国面临着严重的土 壤污染,土壤的严重污染危机到生态、健康的食物、人们的身体健康和农业的可持续发展,根据国家土 地保护管理局报道。中国应该引进先进的煤的燃烧技术,这些技术将有助于增加能源的效率,并且也能 保护环境。
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