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    一 人才市场 human resources pool    社会公德 standards of social behaviour
发展是硬道理。Development is the top priority. / Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.  台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots
学习型社会 a learning-inclined society; a pro-learning society
正面教育为主 education by positive examples 经济全球化economic globalization
人才市场 human resources pool       社会公德 standards of social behaviour
二 尊师重教 to respect teachers and emphasize education发扬正气 encourage healthy trends 纠正不正之风 to correct unhealthy practices (tendencies)身教重于言教 Examples are better than rules   法治国家 a country under the rule of law
法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation
科研攻关 scientific research and tackle the key research project
学分制 the credit system 重点大学 key university  毕业论文 thesis; dissertation      
三 毕业实习 graduation field work  毕业设计 graduation design             毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement升级 to be promoted to a higher grade
留级 to repeat the years work; to stay down
普及教育 universal education        义务教育 compulsory education; free education 学前教育 preschool education       初等教育 elementary education 中等教育 secondary education        
高等教育 higher/tertiary education普遍教育 general education         
成人教育 adult education   职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
培养学生自学能力to foster the students ability to study on their own 发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students initiative and creativeness 素质教育Education that ensures the well-rounded development of students
勤工俭学 part-work and part-study system; work-study program
稳定压倒一切 Maintaining stability is of top priority
四 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to perceive the essence指导性计划 guidance plan          市场调节 market regulation
外向型经济 export-oriented economy   
创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise
创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise   
贫富悬殊 polarization of rich and poor
建设节约型社会build a conservation-minded society
社会效益 social effect/returns    加大改革力度 intensify reforms 一条龙服务 one package service      
一支笔审批 one-chop approval
碰头会 brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information.)
小赟赟 发表于 10-8-19 15:55:09 | 只看该作者
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