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lovelingling 发表于 10-12-1 13:08:05 | 只看该作者
一一滴 发表于 10-12-1 16:09:16 | 只看该作者
wzb_seu007 发表于 10-12-1 18:48:00 | 只看该作者
sky3709 发表于 10-12-1 21:41:23 | 只看该作者
身心飞扬 发表于 10-12-1 22:27:46 | 只看该作者
抓住尾巴,you can!
tyropapa 发表于 10-12-2 12:25:01 | 只看该作者
Here is Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything to lailai
1.Pursue what you love. Passion is an incredible motivator. It fuels focus, resilience, and perseverance.
2.Do the hardest work first. We all move instinctively toward pleasure and away from pain. Most great performers, Ericsson and others have found, delay gratification and take on the difficult work of practice in the mornings, before they do anything else. That's when most of us have the most energy and the fewest distractions.
3.Practice intensely, without interruption for short periods of no longer than 90 minutes and then take a break. Ninety minutes appears to be the maximum amount of time that we can bring the highest level of focus to any given activity. The evidence is equally strong that great performers practice no more than 4 ½ hours a day.
4.Seek expert feedback, in intermittent doses. The simpler and more precise the feedback, the more equipped you are to make adjustments. Too much feedback, too continuously, however, can create cognitive overload, increase anxiety, and interfere with learning.
5.Take regular renewal breaks. Relaxing after intense effort not only provides an opportunity to rejuvenate, but also to metabolize and embed learning. It's also during rest that the right hemisphere becomes more dominant, which can lead to creative breakthroughs.
6.Ritualize practice. Will and discipline are wildly overrated. As the researcher Roy Baumeister has found, none of us have very much of it. The best way to insure you'll take on difficult tasks is to ritualize them — build specific, inviolable times at which you do them, so that over time you do them without having to squander energy thinking about them.

from: ... g-excellent-at.html
露lc 发表于 10-12-2 12:36:20 | 只看该作者
和自己比比  只要有进步就好呀,我也是在家复习的,教室比较容易受影响,大家一起加油呀
yuehuanvwang 发表于 10-12-2 20:56:10 | 只看该作者
曾经半夏 发表于 10-12-5 00:02:25 | 只看该作者
恩 坚持就是胜利 相信你 小妞,加油哦!! 有我们在身边呢!
lgkn 发表于 10-12-6 12:22:36 | 只看该作者
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