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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-23 17:18:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-23 17:21 编辑
子书十二 发表于 2013-10-20 13:26
At the given cartoon, there are four people; an old man, a pregnant woman and a little girl are  ...

    At the given cartoon, there are four people:an old man, a pregnantwoman and a little girl are standing in the bus while a young man with a sun glass (a pair of sunglasses) on his face, pretending blind, is sitting on the seatcomfortably.
    Apparently, such kind of situation are主谓不一致,把are改为is,或把situation改为situations)happening all the timenowadays, especially when the rush time is coming. Working-man has(用复数Working men have,与后面的they保持一致) much higherpressure, much less sleeping hour(hours), and much longerdistance between workplace and home, so they naturally prefer having the seat, not sending (改为to sending或rather than send较好) it away, no matter who need it more actually. On the other side,some people have this sort of simple view that “who got (get) the seat first, who have it, no change.”(中式思维,可改为those who get the seat first will have it all the way whatever happens.)
    Personally, I hold this opinion that when we confront situation (a situation或situations) like that, it depends conditionally(what we should do depends on the paticular facts). If it is a woman who is carrying a baby, it definitely is necessary (注意语序,it is definitely necessary) to let her rest. If it is an old person who only needs one stationto stay on the bus, or if it is a kid who has the ability to stand steadily, Iwould agree that the workman don’t need to give the seat away. It is not only about the virtue, it has the fairness concerned(fairness should be concerned)as well.
    1. 文章有的地方出现了语法错误:其一,主谓不一致,situation are;其二,该使用可数名词复数的地方用了单数,如less sleeping hour;其三,前后指代不一致,Working-man has…so they;其四,副词在句中的位置,it definitely is necessary……等。作者在以后的写作中应注意避免出现类似的问题。
    2. 文章有的表达受到汉语的影响,写出来的句子是中式思维的句子,who got (get)the seat first, who have it, no change. 这是大多数考生都会出现的问题。这一点需从两方面进行提高:第一,在写作时不要先想汉语意思,然后再翻译成英语,而尽量用英语思考;第二,在空闲时间多读一些外刊与欧美名著等,在大量阅读中提升自己的英语思维能力。

                                                                                                                                                        2013年 10月23


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五妖妖 发表于 13-10-23 20:15:29 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-23 17:18
写作原文     At the given cartoon, there are four people:an old man, a pregnantwoman  ...

govycm 发表于 13-10-23 23:53:53 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-23 17:12
今年的考研英语大纲相对去年的变化之一就是:试卷包括试题册和1张答题卡。以前说是两张答题卡,现在是合二 ...

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-24 08:37:38 | 只看该作者
五妖妖 发表于 2013-10-23 20:15
请老师帮忙批 ...

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-24 11:48:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-24 12:57 编辑
令十九 发表于 2013-10-20 19:55
In the above drawing,there are four passengers in the crowed bus.The "blind"man is sitting in  ...

    In the above drawing,there are four passengers in the crowed bus.The"blind"man is sitting in (改为on,sit in常表示“旁听、列席”等意,表示“坐”时侧重指人或物整体能被包围在所坐的物体上)his seat ,while the pregnant woman,the old man and the children are standing aside and helpless.
   This cartoon obviously reveals that individual morality is declining in more and more prosperous and modern society.There are three causes that led(lead,描述现象和问题的原因时,如果没有明显的时间声明,一般使用现在时态) to this phenomenon.Firstly,people care about material life rather than spiritual life in the progress of modernization.What's more,there is a wrong world viewevery man for himself(加,andthe devil taketakesthe hindmest(hindmost),in the society.Thirdly,in a way,the lack of morality is related with the government (government’s)poor regulstion(regulation).
   As the low citizen morality may bring about a series of bad effects in our normal life,it's urgent(如果改为of great urgence, 表达效果会好一些,用“be of+名词”结构替代形容词是一个很好的语言润色方式)to solve theproblem.To start with,we must improve personal social responsibility.With the improvement of individual morality,people will be less selfish and more concerned about others.In addition,strengthening the government guidance is a (an) important part in building residentresidents’morality.Through everyone's effort,I think this phenomenon will be less and less(加上in the near future较好).
    1. 文章有语法问题:其一,动词的时态使用不恰当,Thereare three causes that led;其二,主谓不一致,the devil take;其三,名词所有格未掌握好,如with the government poor regulstion;其四,不定冠词a与an的使用混淆,该用an的时候用了a,a  important part。作者一方面应该细心,另一方面应注意自己是否有语法知识疏漏。
    2. 与之前一位考生一样,作者也需注意区别同一个不及物动词后跟不同介词的用法。
    3. 注意断句,every man for himself(加,and)the devil…
    4. 文章有几处单词拼写错误,作者需细心,写完后检查几遍,同时加强单词记忆。


                                                                                                                                                       2013年 10月24


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子书十二 发表于 13-10-24 12:24:24 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-23 17:18
写作原文     At the given cartoon, there are four people:an old man, a pregnantwoman  ...

黑眼圈olivia 发表于 13-10-24 17:53:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 黑眼圈olivia 于 2013-10-24 18:00 编辑

     Is it possible that a healthy young man is blind to things he see? That is strange phenomenon which we can see from drawing above. In this picture, a healthy young man sits a seat with a clear conscience and "blind" eyes where there are a child ,a pregnant woman, and an old who actually need this seat standing around. What this picture conveys is clear and loud that the public morality is declining.  
     The painful phenomenon can be caused by many reasons, but first and foremost is lack of morality in such prosperous economy. People ,especially the young generation ,concentrate on money-making, and ignore the importance of morality in our daily life. Consequently, we can see news against our noble trandition----respect the old and care the young every day .With morality declining and egoism prevailing , more and more social problems come out and raise our attention.          
     The level of morality of citizens is a significant element for social stability and prosperity. Therefore, advance the moral sense is the prior task in  social civilization construction .We should take some measures such as cultivate goodness and ethic in young generation, punish people against the public morality.


五妖妖 发表于 13-10-24 19:28:25 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-24 08:37
会批改到的,请耐心等待。你也不用过于担心作文,只要练习到位,找出自己存在的问题,认真改正,肯定 ...

令十九 发表于 13-10-25 00:47:27 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-24 11:48
写作原文     In the above drawing,there are four passengers in the crowed bus.The"blin ...

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-25 09:13:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-25 09:17 编辑
Drift547 发表于 2013-10-21 22:59
It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current social problem: the sense of mo ...

    It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current social problem: the sense of morality in our society is declining. In thepicture, a young man arrounded(surrounded)by the pregnant woman,the elder and the little child sits on a seat as a temporary (改为temporarily,“临时”修饰的是blind,而不是person) blind person without considered(considering,without在此为介词,后跟动名词、名词等) the others(others’)need.
    Numerous factors have contributed to these phenomena. On the onehand, with the development of the economy and (加the)society, people who pay great attention to the deterioration of ethic ,(逗号去掉)became(is becoming,在描述图片、现象,说明原因等之时,如果没有具体的时间限制,一般使用相应的现在时态,此处用现在进行时最为合适)fewer and fewer, thus immoral behavior(最好用复数behaviors) became(应使用相应的现在时态,且为了避免与上句用词重复,改为have been较好) prevalent. On the other hand, responsibility, which is one of thegreatest virtues of the Chinese nation, has been neglected for a long time. In addition,there is no sufficient laws to prohibit such immoral action (用复数actions较好).
    To curb these evil phenomena, much can be done.Relative laws andregulations should be enacted to punish immoral behaviors. A wide-rangeing(wide-ranging)and deep-going educational campaign must be launched to enhance the sense of morality. We adult (adults) should set a good example to the young. Only in these ways can we live in a healthy world.

    1. 文章有语法问题,主要是:其一,词语词性使用错误,需区分副词修饰形容词、形容词修饰名词与多个形容词共同修饰同一名词,如a temporary blind person其二,介词后所跟成分不清,without considered其三,名词所有格未掌握,the others need其四,时态的选择把握不好其五,同位语前后不一致,We adult。同样的,作者应清楚是粗心所致还是语法知识未掌握好的原因,对症下药。
    2. 文章第二段在阐述现象原因的时候,有的原因列举不是很合适,如作者提到responsibility,责任与道德并不是所属的关系,责任感缺失并不能直接推断出其道德亦缺失;作者也提到了另一个原因——没有相应的法律来阻止此行为,需清楚道德与法律是互补的关系,在当代社会,道德方面的问题不应也不能通过法律手段来解决。
    3. 注意形近、义近词语的辨析,如around与surround的区别。
    4. 文章有单词拼写错误,同时反映出作者动词变为现在分词的相关知识未掌握好,尤其应该注意一些特殊变化。


                                                                                                                                                              2013年 10月25


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