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考研1号编辑部从11月起,每天在帖子里分享考研英语作文、英语一和英语二真题的长难句分析,与各位考生同分享,共进步,欢迎大家一起讨论交流。往期内容回顾查看汇总贴  >> 链接地址




        【典型难句】If appropriate public policies were in place to help all women—whether CEOs or their children’s caregivers—and all families, Sandberg would be no more newsworthy than any other highly capable person living in a more just society.


        【要点注释】该句中的破折号放在and前面对women进行补充说明,后面的and all families是和all women并列,而不是和caregivers并列,在主句中使用了no more than主要强调more的反面,即强调数量之少或程度之低。


         本句来源于考研英语(二)2013年真题,Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A text4 第七段;考研英语二真题超细解【考研1号】《考研圣经》Page 239.

        The above pie chart clearly and precisely reveals the most urgent and unsolved social problems concerned by cyber citizens: education problems, Three Rural Issues, the supervision of public servants, the social security and environmental protection etc. Among them, the most striking one is the education problem, which takes up 23%.
        Why do cyber citizens attach much importance to education problems? Two main reasons may account for that. One essential factor is that many current education problems cause a strong concern, such as the random expansion of university enrollment, irregular education fees, and the inequality of teaching resources. Another factor that draws more of people’s attention is the low employment rate of college students. Today a wealth of students can not find proper jobs after graduation, therefore people begin to rethink our higher education.
        As a consequence, it is urgent for us to take effective actions. One of the solutions to the above problem is that our government should formulate related policies in the light of practical problems. The problems confronting us can’t be solved without the government’s strategy adjustment. Besides, for common people, we should respond to and implement the government’s policies positively. Only in this way can a beatific and harmonious society be built.
       1.句中the most urgent and unsolved social problems concerned by sb.的意思是“某人最关注的、亟需解决的社会问题”,后面的Three Rural Issues意为“三农问题”。
       2.作者利用问句的形式来启发读者思考,其中attach much importance to表示“关注……,十分重视……”,其同义短语还有pay much attention to等。
       3.句中a wealth of用的很好,一改往日a lot of, lots of等词,其同义的短语还有a great deal of, plenty of等。在一篇文章中,考生可选用不同的词汇来表达同一个意思,以避免重复。
       4.our government should formulate related policies in the light of…表示“政府应根据……制定相关政策”,此句常在末段使用,可提出建议措施,其中in the light of意为“根据,按照”。
       5.Only in this way, can…此句为倒装句,通常作为文章的结尾句,考生在写作过程中应采用多种表达方式,为作文添彩。
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