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iueihdbsa 发表于 10-4-19 01:42:07 | 只看该作者
太好了啊 要看一看
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-19 11:46:17 | 只看该作者


 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-19 17:38:51 | 只看该作者


 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-20 17:23:09 | 只看该作者


 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-23 15:30:20 | 只看该作者


       (2) 并列句
        两个或两个以上简单句连接起来就形成了并列句。并列句中的各简单分句处于平等的,互不依从的并列地位。英语并列句不能只用逗号隔开,而要用分号或并列连词连接,连词前可用或不用逗号。并列连词有:and, but, or, so等。
        a) Chinas young like to try new things and they are more brand-conscious. 中国的年轻人喜欢尝试新事物,而且更有品牌意识。(表示并列)
        b) Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. 凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。(表示转折)
        c) Do it yourself or ask somebody else to do it. 你自己做这件事,或者请别人做也可以。(表示选择)
       d) It is foggy today, so they couldnt see the distant hills. 今天有雾,所以他们看不见远处的小山。(表示结果)
       e) Wise men seek after truth while / whereas fools despise knowledge. 智者求真理,愚人贬知识。(表示对比)
       f) They cancelled their trip to Yangzhou last Sunday for it rained the whole day. 上星期天他们取消了去扬州的游程,因为整整下了一天雨。(表示原因)
       (3) 复合句
       a) That I exist is a perpetual surprise. 我的存在是一个永久的神奇。
       b) What really happens is that people buy from people they like and with whom they have built up a relationship. 事实是人们从他们喜欢的人那里买东西,并且由此建立起一种关系。
       a) The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more. 所得税过高是有害的,因为它可能使人不愿意多赚钱。
       b) Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it. 你是否成功将主要取决于你做什么和怎么做。
       a) The reason why Internet shopping has become popular is that it offers consumers a choice of shopping for goods in their own time, convenience and power to compare prices without the need to visit retail shops or stores. 网上购物变得广受欢迎的原因是它能提供消费者自由的购物时间和便利性,同时消费者无须去很多零售商店就能比较价格。
       b) The question is whether these advantages are offset by the risks. 问题是这些有利因素会不会被风险抵消掉。
       a) Most CEOs live under the illusion that what is agreed upon in the boardroom is actually embraced and implemented to the very roots of the company. 大部分的首席执行官都幻想着在董事会的会议室里达成的协议就一定会受到公司基层的真诚欢迎并且被切实执行。
       b) One clings to the notion that wealth derives its value from its contribution to the general good and to the happiness of future generations. 人们坚持这样的看法,财富的价值来自于它对社会公益和下一代人的幸福的贡献。
       a) But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. 但是那些视力或者听力从未遭受损失的人却很少充分利用这些幸运的能力。
       b) We should live each day with gentleness, vigor, and keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama(全景) of more days and months and years to come. 我们都应该以和善的态度,充沛的精力和热情的欣赏来度过每一天,而这些恰恰是在来日方长时往往被我们忽视的东西。
       c) He will always remember the day when he graduated from college. 他将永远记着他从大学毕业的那一天。
       a) We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. 当我们是最为谦卑的时候,便是我们最接近伟大的时候。(时间状语从句)
       b) Wherever you go, you should do your work well. 不论到什么地方都要把工作做好。(地点状语从句)
       c) Unless you have a good command of English grammar, you wont write good English.(条件状语从句)
       d) Some people profited from these failures, because they analyzed them and found the lesson they taught. 一些人从这些失败中受益,是因为他们分析了失败的原因,并且从中吸取了教训。(原因状语从句)
       e) Although some people have a lot of money, they are unhappy. 一些人虽然有很多钱,但是他们却不幸福。(让步状语从句)
       f) Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases. 空气是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。(方式状语从句)
       g) Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors minds, ages ago. 在伟大的思想面前,时间显得微不足道,多少年前曾经感动作者的思想今天依然清新如故。 (比较状语从句)
       h) The chief priority should be to bring these emerging countries into the global system so that they in turn broaden and deepen global economic, political, and cultural ties. 首选的方式是将这些新兴国家纳入全球系统,而他们反过来也会扩大和加深全球的经济、政治和文化联系。 (目的状语从句)
       i) The influence of the media is so strong that people will believe whatever they see on television and hear on the radio. 媒体的影响如此强大,以至于人们会相信他们在电视上看到的一切,从广播里听到的一切。 (结果状语从句)
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-26 17:32:26 | 只看该作者


        (1) 双重否定句
        a) It is not impossible to master English within a short period of time if you use a good study method. 如果你运用了好的学习方法,那么在短时间内掌握英语并不是不可能。(即:运用好的学习方法,在短时间内掌握英语是可能的。)
        b) There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the stability and development of society. 几乎没有一个人的工作或生活水平不取决于社会的稳定和发展。(即:几乎每个人的工作或生活水平都取决于社会的稳定和发展。)
        c) Sometimes words carry a hidden meaning. It would be almost impossible for you to know without living in the country for a long time. 有时候单词有暗含的意思,如果你没有在使用它的国家生活过很长的一段时间,几乎不可能知道它暗含的意思。(即:只有在使用它的国家生活过很长一段时间,才能知道其暗含的意思。)
        (2) 倒装句
        a) Rarely does a writer produce a successful single volume of autobiography and then succeed in writing a second. 很少有作家能写出一本成功的自传后又能成功地写出第二本。(强调)
        b) Only by working hard can one succeed. 只有努力才能成功。(强调)
        c) Away flew the bird! 鸟扑地一声飞跑了!(生动描写)
        d) At the top of business travelersconcerns is the availability of direct flights and frequency. 商业旅行者最关心的就是是否有直达航班和有多少班次。(平衡句子)
        为了突出某个词、词组或者句子,采用“It is... that”句型。
        a) It is only when one falls ill that one realizes the value of health. 人们生病了才知道健康的价值。
        (对比:One realizes the value of health only when one falls ill.)
        b) It is what you will do that is essential. 重要的是你的行动。
        (对比:What you will do is essential.)
        (1) 同位语
        a) Robert Zoellick, World Bank President, emphasized that food aid would still be necessary. 世界银行行长罗伯特·泽奥利克强调食品援助仍是十分必要的。
        (对比:Robert Zoellick who is the World Bank President emphasized that food aid would still be necessary.)
        b) The proposal, to curb the gas emission, should be taken into serious consideration. 关于控制气体排放的建议应该被认真地思考。
        (对比:The proposal which is to curb the gas emission should be taken into serious consideration.)
        c) Environmental pollution, a problem threatening human beings existence, has grown more and more serious. 环境污染这个威胁人类生存的问题变得越来越严重了。
        (对比:Environmental pollution which is a problem threatening human beingsexistence, has grown more and more serious.)
        a) It is a proper, if not the best, method to solve the problem. 这是解决这一问题的合适方法,如果不是最好的话。
        (对比:If it is not the best way to solve the problem, it is a proper one.)
        b) The changes have simplified, to a certain extent, the procedures for performing domestic business restructuring. 在某种程度上,这些改革简化了国内商业重组的程序。
        (对比:The changes have simplified the procedures for performing domestic business restructuring to a certain extent.)
        cThe question, how to make our life more meaningful, deserves thinking over. 怎样使我们的生活更有意义这一问题值得考虑。
        (对比:The question which is how to make our life more meaningful deserves thinking over.)
        独立主格结构有两类形式:一类是:名词/代词+形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词。另一类是: with / without+名词/代词+形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词。独立主格结构在句中作状语,表时间、原因、条件和伴随。它能使整个句子结构紧凑,描述生动具体。
        a) Technology progressing, the contemporary advertiser can make use of television to broadcast the image as well as the voice of his client. 技术进步了,现代广告商可以运用电视来传播其客户的声音和形象。
        (对比:Because technology have progressed, the contemporary advertiser can make use of television to broadcast the image as well as the voice of his client.)
        b) Internet piracy to be curbed, lawmakers are poised to approve a law to create the worlds first surveillance system. 为了约束网络盗版,法律制定者准备通过一个法规来创造世界上第一个监督机制。
        (对比:In order to curb Internet piracy, lawmakers are poised to approve a law to create the worlds first surveillance system.)
        c) With competitive pressure increasing, core business activities need to be the focus of management attention. 随着竞争压力的增加,管理者需要专注于核心的商业活动。
        (对比:As competitive pressure is increasing, core business activities need to be the focus of management attention. )
        (4) 分词结构
        a) A good book always receives us with the same kindness amusing and instructing us in youth comforting and consoling us in age. 好书总是以善意接纳我们,在我们年轻时,好书能陶冶性情,增长知识,我们年老时,它又会给我们以宽慰。
        (对比:A good book always receives us with the same kindness. It will amuse and instruct us in youth comfort and console us in age.)
        b) Teenagers, pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, often resort to smoking. 由于学校作业的压力和伙伴们的鼓励,年轻人常常诉诸于吸烟。
        (对比:Because teenagers are pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, they often resort to smoking.)
        a) As journalists, we should be allergic(过敏的;反感、厌恶的) to the idea of helping government officials hide anything from the public. 作为记者,我们应该排斥帮助政府官员向公众隐瞒事实的思想。
        (对比:If we are journalists, we should be allergic to the idea of helping government officials hide anything from the public.
        b) In dealing with climate change, both developed nations and developing nations had made important strides. 在解决气候变化方面,发达国家和发展中国家都取得了重要的进展。
        (对比:When developed nations and developing nations dealt with climate change, both of them had made important strides. )
        (6) 不定式结构
        a) The plans to be made are of great importance. 制定计划是十分重要的。
        (对比:The plans which will be made are of great importance.)
        b) To be successful, one must try ones best. 要想成功,个人就必须尽全力。
        (对比:If one wants to be successful, one must try ones best.)
        (7) 形容词短语
        a) Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. 我的一生被三种简单却又无比强烈的激情所控制:对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难难以抑制的同情。
        (对比:Three passions which are simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.)
        b) We look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress. 我们看到四周一派新天地——生机盎然,变动不居,日新月异。
        (对比:We look round in a new world which is full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress.)
FLYFLY000 发表于 10-4-26 18:26:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-28 14:25:22 | 只看该作者

回复 #17 FLYFLY000 的帖子

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-28 14:42:46 | 只看该作者


        4. 利用长句和短句
长句不等于词语的堆砌。有些同学写长句,不惜加入很多废话,套话,如:I preferafter a careful thought等,句子中充斥着whichthat引导的各种从句。这是在为了写长句而硬性拼凑。写这样的长句就不如短句简洁明了。正如本节开篇所说,句子的长度应由思想的内容来决定,而不是为了写长句而故意将句子拉长。
It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human being are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one.
长句1) Of these the former are the majority. (短句2) They have their compensations.(短句3) The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. (长句4) But fortunes favored children belong to the second class. (短句5) Their life is a natural harmony.(短句6) For them the working hours are never long enough. (短句7)
Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays, when they come, are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.(
长句8) Yet to both classes, the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.(长句9) Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.(长句10)
        (1) 明喻
明喻是直接把一物同某种与其具有统一性质或特点的另一物相比较,常用比喻词有as, like, seem, as though等。例如:
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long.
b) If you are unhappy, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. 如果你不开心,你的眼界就像是被一道墙给阻隔了。
        (2) 暗喻
a) My life is one long curve, full of turning points.我的生命犹如一条长长的曲线,充满了转折。
b) The fountain of knowledge will dry up unless it is continuously replenished by streams of new learning. 除非有新知识的溪流不停地补充,否则知识的源泉就会干涸。
a) A lie goes half around the world before truth has time to get its trousers on. 真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言就已经走遍了半个世界。
b) After two hours of political platitudes, everyone grew bored. The delegates were bored; the guests were bored; the speaker himself was bored. Even the chairs were bored. 那些政治的陈词滥调说了两个小时后,每个人都感到非常厌倦:代表们厌倦了,来宾们厌倦了,演讲者厌倦了,甚至连座椅也厌倦了。
        (4) 夸张
a) Jane opened the door. Out rushed a rat, which almost brought her heart into her mouth. 简打开了门,一只老鼠冲了出来,把她吓得心脏都提到嗓子眼里。
b) Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet.
        (5) 排比
a) Sometimes in life, you find a special friendsomeone who changes your life just by being part of it; some one who makes you laugh until you cant stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world; someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship.有时候在生活中,你会找到一个特别的朋友,他因融入你的生活,而改变了你的整个生活;他会把你逗得开怀大笑;他会让你相信人间有真情。他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待你去开启。这就是永远的友谊。
b) It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions, and without disappointments. 一个缺乏抱负的世界将会怎样,这不难想象。或许,这将是一个更为友善的世界:没有渴求,没有磨擦,没有失望。
        (6) 类比
a) Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes. 休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑和眼睛的关系。
b) Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark. 大人怕死就像小孩怕黑一样。
        (7) 对照
a) Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view. 今天我们拥有了更高层的楼宇以及更宽阔的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭窄。
b) We reached the Moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors. 我们可以往返月球,但却难以迈出一步去亲近我们的左邻右居。
c) Temples and statues decay, but books survive. 寺庙会倒塌,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。
twb考研政治 发表于 10-4-28 16:11:09 | 只看该作者
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