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 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:02:03 | 只看该作者
考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 23

一、     真题文章(2004年)

  The relation of language and mind has interested philosophers for many centuries. The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.

  Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own. Two anthropologist-linguists, Franz Boas Edward Sapir, were pioneers in describing many native languages of North and South America during the first half of the twentieth century. We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages. Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from “exotic” language, were not always so grateful. The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.. Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.

  Sapir’s pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indian languages. Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society. He reasoned that because the structure of habitual thought in a society. He reasoned that because it is easier to formulate certain concepts and not others in a given language, the speakers of that language think along one track and not along another. Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society. Later, this idea became to be known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, but this term is somewhat inappropriate. Although both Sapir and Whorf emphasized the diversity of languages, Sapir himself never explicitly supported the notion of linguistic determinism.

二、     译文




三、     考研核心词汇

root / ru:t / n. 根, 根部, 根本, 根源 v. 1(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动2坚定不移, 确立

[例] Are you going to root here forever?   你留在这儿永远不走了吗?

[同义] cause, derivation, origin, source

[反义] branch / brB:ntF / n. 枝, 分枝, 分部, 分店, (学科)分科, 部门, 支流, 支脉 v. 出现分歧

[派生] rooted / 5ru:tid / adj. 根深蒂固的 v. 确立

diverse / dai5vE:s / adj. 不同的, 变化多的

[例] diverse interests   不同的兴趣

[同义] different, distinct, several, unlike ,various

[反义] same / seim / adj. 同一的, 相同的, 无变化的, 上述的, 所谓

pron. 同样的事物adv.同样地

[派生] diversify / dai5vE:sifai / v. 使多样化;作多样性的投资

diversity / dai5vE:siti / n. 差异, 多样性

oblige / E5blaidV / vt. 迫使, 责成

[例] She was obliged to go.   她不得不走。

[同义]compel, constrain, force, serve

[反义] disoblige / 5disE5blaidV / v. 失望

[派生] obligation / 7Cbli5^eiFEn / n. 1义务, 职责2债务

[固定搭配] be obliged to sb. 感谢(某人); be obliged to do sth. 不得不(做某事), 必须(做某事);

assimilate / E5simileit / v. 吸收, 同化, 消化

[例] America has assimilated many outstanding people from all corners of the world.   美国同化了许多来自世界各地优秀的人。

[同义] absorb , blot up, digest , soak up

[反义] disassimilate / 7disE5simileit / vt. [生]使异化

[派生] assimilation / E9sImI`leIFEn / n. 1同化, 同化作用2消化

bizarre / bi5zB: / adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)

[例] The story has a certain bizarre interest.


[同义]strange, fantastic ,odd, eccentric, peculiar

[反义] normal / 5nC:mEl / n. 正规, 常态, [数学]法线 adj. 正常的, 正规的, 标准的

[派生] bizarrerie / bi5zB:rEri / n. 奇异, 怪异的东西, 奇怪

exotic / i^5zCtik / adj. 异国情调的, 外来的, 奇异的

[例] an exotic word   外来词

[同义] bright, colorful ,foreign ,gay ,rich ,strange, vivid

[反义] native / 5neitiv / n. 本地人, 土产, 土人 adj. 1本国的, 出生地的, 本地的2天赋的

[派生] exoticism /I^`zCtIsIzEm/ n. 异国情调, 异国风味, 对外国事物的兴趣

fabricate / 5fAbrikeit / vt. 1制作, 构成2捏造, 伪造, 虚构

[例] They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses.


[同义]fake, invent , devise , formulate, make, assemble, construct

[反义] demolish / di5mCliF / vt. 毁坏, 破坏, 推翻, 粉碎

[派生] fabrication   / 7fAbri5keiFEn / n. 制作, 构成, 伪造物, 装配工

habitual / hE5bitjuEl / adj. 习惯的, 惯常的

[例] Ice and snow are a habitual sight in the north.


[同义] accustomed ,customary, established ,familiar, general, normal ,regular

[反义] occasional / E5keiVnEl / adj. 偶然的, 非经常的, 特殊场合的, 临时的

[派生] habitually / hE5bItjJElI / adv. 习惯地

determinism / di5tE:minizEm / n. 决定论

[例] environmental determinism   环境决定论

[派生] determinist   / dI`t\\:mInIst / n. 决定论者

imprison / im5prizn / vt. 监禁, 关押 v. 监禁

[例] He was imprisoned for two years.


[同义] confine, jail, lock up

[反义] liberate / 5libEreit / v. 解放, 释放

[派生] imprisonment / Im`prIzEnmEnt / n. 关押

hypothesis / hai5pCWisis / n. 假设

[例] This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments .   这仅仅是一个尚未被实验证明的科学假说。

[派生] hypothetic / 7haipEu5Wetik / adj. 假设的, 假定的

四、     强化练习

1. Most courses offer a wide and _______ range of units for students to select each term.

A. riot       B. roundabout   C. rotten     D. diverse

2. Strong analytical ability to________ information that will assist WWP/OTD in achieving their goals.

A. segment     B. stick       C. assimilate   D. sting

3. The idea that a Canadian citizen such as Ottawa software engineer Maher Arar would need to pay his birthplace of Syria a portion of his income earned in this country (or that Canada would have to pay part of its take from him) seems________.

A. bizarre     B. prone     C. venerable     D. defensive

4. We never went anywhere truly_______ during October because, unlike the insanity here where a billion people squeeze onto the trains, this holiday didn’t exist for adults unless requested .

A. watertight   B. permanent   C. mean     D. exotic

5. No link was found between ________coffee consumption and hypertension(高血压) based on analysis of 12 years of data on 33,077 cases of high blood pressure among 155,594 women .

A. vertical     B. vital       C. habitual     D. fatal


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 24

一、     真题文章(2005年)

  It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one\'s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served to much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe .The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.

  Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.

Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.

  Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.

In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank will handle the finances necessary for production costs. In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall” -and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.

二、     译文

    在欧洲历史上这个绝对重要的时期讨论大众媒体的作用并不是很容易的事情。历史和新闻的界线变混淆了,人们对于大众媒体的印象往往是一种怀疑和乐观情绪的结合。电视是制造和表达这些情绪的方式之一,在加强不同民族和国家之间的联系方面,电视也许还从来没有像在近来的欧洲事务中那样发挥过如此大的作用。现在正在形成的欧洲除了其人民、文化及对国家的认同感外别无他物。只有考虑到这些,我们才可以着手分析欧洲的电视状况。像在其他地方一样,欧洲的多媒体集团日益成功,这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志及出版社组合到了一起。意大利的一个例子是Berlusconi集团,而我们所知的外国集团有Maxwell 和Murdoch。

显然,在这样一个异常拥挤的市场只有最大最灵活的公司才能够竞争。仅这一点就表明在电视行业里生存不那麽容易,这个事实通过统计数字也是一目了然:在80家欧洲电视网中,1989年出现亏损的不下50% 。




三、     考研核心词汇

phase / feiz / n. 1阶段, 状态2相, 相位 v. 定相

[例] pass through three phases   经历三个阶段

[同义] aspect, stage, state

flexible / 5fleksEbl / adj. 柔韧性, 易曲的, 灵活的, 柔软的, 能变形的, 可通融的

[例] We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly flexible.


[同义]variable, adjustable

[反义] inflexible / in5fleksEbl / adj. 不屈的, 不屈挠的, 顽固的

[派生] flexibility / 7fleksE5biliti / n. 弹性, 适应性, 机动性, 挠性

demonstrate / 5demEnstreit / vt. 1示范2证明, 论证 vi. 示威

[例] He demonstrated how to use the new machine.


[同义] clarify, display, illustrate ,show

[派生] demonstration / 7demEns5treiFEn / n. 示范, 实证

survive / sE5vaiv / v. 幸免于, 幸存, 生还

[例] Few survived after the flood.   洪水过后,生还者极少。

[同义] continue, outlast, outlive, remain

[派生] survival / sE5vaivEl / n. 1生存, 幸存, 残存2 幸存者, 残存物

underline / 7QndE5lain / vt. 1在...下面划线2作...的衬里3强调

n. 下划线

[例] Words with single underline are to be set in italics.


[派生] underling / 5QndEliN / n. 部下, 下僚, 下属, 走卒

fabric / 5fAbrik / n. 1织品, 织物, 布2结构, 建筑物, 构造

[例] She bought some fabric to make shirts from.


[同义] cloth ,goods, material, textile

[派生] fabricable / `fAbrIkEbl / adj. 能加工成形的

entail / in5teil / vt. 1使必需;使蒙受, 使承担2遗传给 n. [建]限定继承权

[例] Writing a history book entails a lot of work.


[同义]require, demand ,call for

[派生] entailment / in5teilmEnt / n. [律](不动产)继承人之限制

[固定搭配] entail ... on sb. 使某人负担...; 把...遗留给某人;entail ... upon sb.


handle / 5hAndl / n. 1柄, 把手, 把柄2口实3手感vt. 1触摸2运用3买卖4处理, 操作 vi. 1搬运2易于操纵 n. [计]句柄

[例] She handled a difficult argument skillfully.


[同义] carry on, deal in, direct, feel, finger, govern, manage ,manipulate, regulate

[派生] handler / 5hAndlE / n. 处理者, 管理者, 训练者, (尤指拳击)教练(或助手), (犬马等的)训练者

scale / skeil / n. 1刻度,衡量2比例,数值范围,比例3天平,等级 vt. 依比例决定,攀登,测量 vi. 1剥落2生水垢3攀登3衡量

[例] This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.


[同义]degree, graduation, proportion , ratio, layer, plate

四、     强化练习

1. He noted, however, that China will face many problems during the country\'s next ________ of development, such as the growing gap between urban and rural China, the inefficient use of energy, and the acute pollution problem in some Chinese cities.

A. phrase       B. graph     C. phase     D. pamphlet

2. The provision of _______ pathways for study is also an important feature – for example students are not streamed or channeled through particular types of school from which future study options are determined.

A. flexible     B. turning     C. ultimate     D. unanimous

3. The professionals in these fields serve a probationary period(试用期) and ________ competence to attain a certain level of freedom in their fields.

A. render     B. demonstrate   C. renew     D. halt

4. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims_______ their first year.

A. grope     B. fling       C. survive     D. consist

5. Important source of financing for start-up companies or others embarking on new or turnaround ventures that ________ some investment risk, but offer the potential for above-average future profits.

A. constrain   B. calculate     C. rebel     D. entail

 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:02:18 | 只看该作者
考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 25


  Canada\'s premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might spare a moment to do something, to reduce health-care costs.

  They\'re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs.

  According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments .Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices.

  What to do? Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care---to say nothing of reports from other experts--- recommended the creation of a national drug agency. Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs , bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources ,work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.

    What does “national” mean? Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby recommended a federal-provincial body much like the recently created National Health Council.

  But “national” doesn\'t have to mean that. “National” could mean inter-provincial-provinces combining efforts to create one body.

  Either way, one benefit of a “national” organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers. Instead of having one province-or a series of hospitals within a province-negotiate a price for a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces.

Rather than, say, Quebec, negotiating on behalf of seven million people, the national agency would negotiate on behalf 31 million people. Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the likelihood of a better price.

    Of course the pharmaceutical companies will scream. They like divided buyers, they can lobby better that way. They can use the threat of removing jobs from one province to another. They can hope that, if one province includes a drug on its list , the pressure will cause others to include it on theirs. They wouldn\'t like a national agency, but self-interest would lead them to deal with it.

    A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Co-ordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces. Under it, a Common Drug Review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included. Predictably, and regrettably, Quebec refused to join.

  A few premiers are suspicious of any federal-provincial deal-making. They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached. That\'s one reason why the idea of a national list hasn\'t gone anywhere, while drug costs keep rising fast.

  So, if the provinces want to run the health-care show , they should prove they can run it ,starting with an inter-provincial health list that would end duplication ,save administrative costs , prevent one province from being played off against another ,and bargain for better drug prices.

  Premiers love to quote Mr. Romanow\'s report selectively, especially the parts about more federal money. Perhaps they should read what he had to say a bout drugs:“A national drug agency would provide governments more influence on pharmaceutical companies in order to try to constrain the ever-increasing cost of drugs.”

  Or they could read Mr. Kirby\'s report:“The substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the public prescription-drug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies”

  So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.





该怎么办呢?Romanow 和Kirby这两个医疗保健委员会都建议组建一个国家级药品管理机构(且不用说其他专家的报告)。各省不需要确定各自批准的药品清单、建立办事机构、采取一定的措施以及提高有限的讨价还价能力,所有的省份都应该集中资源,同加拿大政府合作,成立一个国家级机构。

“国家级”是什么意思呢?Roy Romanow 和参议员 Michael Kirby建议成立一个联邦政府和省政府一体的机构,就像最近成立的国家医疗委员会一样。








省长们喜欢有选择地引用Romanow 先生的报告,尤其是有关联邦政府提供更多资金的那些部分。也许他们应该看一看Romanow先生针对药品所说的话:“国家级代理机构将使得政府对医药公司产生更大的影响,以便尽力限制持续增长的药品成本。”




premier / 5premjE, -miE / adj. 第一的, 首要的 n. 总理

[例] Premier of the State Council   国务院总理

budget / 5bQdVit / n. 预算 vi. 做预算, 编入预算

[例] a government budget   政府预算

[同义] allowance, ration, schedule

pharmaceutical / 7fB:mE5sju:tikEl / n. 药物 adj. 制药(学)上的

[例] pharmaceutical chemistry   制药化学, 药物化学

[派生] pharmaceutics / 7fB:mE5sju:tiks / n. 配药学, 制药学

prescription / pri5skripFEn / n. 指示, 规定, 命令, 处方, 药方

[例] The doctor wrote me a prescription for medicine for my cough.


[派生] prescribe / pris5kraib / v. 指示, 规定, 处(方), 开(药)

prescriptive / pri5skriptiv / adj. 说明性的

overall / 5EuvErC:l / adj. 全部的, 全面的

[例] an overall survey   全面的观察(调查)

recommend / rekE5mend / vt. 推荐, 介绍, 劝告, 使受欢迎, 托付, 使...受欢迎, 使...可取

[例] Can you recommend a good dictionary?


[同义] advise, advocate, direct ,guide ,instruct, suggest, urge

[派生] recommendation / 7rekEmen5deiFEn / n. 推荐, 介绍(信), 劝告, 建议

procedure / prE5si:dVE / n. 程序, 手续

[例] The new work procedure is a great improvement on / over the old one.


[同义] course ,custom, manner ,means, measure ,method ,plan

[派生] procedural / prE5si:dVErEl / adj. 程序上的

manufacturer / 7mAnju5fAktFErE / n. 制造业者, 厂商

[例] automobile manufacturer   汽车制造厂

[派生] manufacture / 7mAnju5fAktFE / vt. 制造, 加工 n. 制造, 制造业, 产品

lobby / 5lCbi / n. 大厅, 休息室, <美>游说议员者 vi. 游说议员, 经常出入休息室 vt. 对(议员)进行疏通

[例] lobby a bill through the senate   游说议员使议院通过一项议案

[同义] entrance , foyer ,passageway ,vestibule

[派生] lobbyist / 5lRbIIst/ n. 活动议案通过者, 说客

fork / fC:k / n. 叉, 耙, 叉形物, 餐叉

[例] A big fork is used to dig the earth.   大耙子被用来刨土。

[同义] branch, offshoot ,silverware

string / striN / n. 线, 细绳, 一串, 一行 v. 排成一列

[例] The parcel was tied with string.   这个包裹用绳子捆着。

[同义] bind, connect ,line up ,thread, tie

[反义] unstring / 5Qn5striN / v. 把弦解下, 使神经衰弱

[派生] stringed   / striNd / adj. 有弦(乐器)的

[固定搭配] string along 赞成某事,同意;

string up 吊死;     on the string在某人的彻底控制或影响下;

selective / si5lektiv / adj. 选择的, 选择性的

[例] selective controls on goods   对商品的选择性控制

[派生] selectively / si5lektivli / adv.选择地, 选择性地

select / si5lekt / vt. 选择, 挑选 adj. 精选的

constrain / kEn5strein / vt. 强迫, 抑制, 拘束

[例] I felt constrained to do what I was unwilling to do myself.


[同义] compel , force , press , urge

[反义] liberate / 5libEreit /   v. 解放, 释放

[派生]constrained / kEn5streind /   adj. 不舒服的, 被强迫的, 拘泥的

    constraint / kEn5streint / n. 约束, 强制, 局促

substantial / sEb5stAnFEl / adj. 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的

[例] substantial things   实际存在的东西

[同义] actual ,affluent, authentic, firm, prosperous ,real ,rich ,solid ,sound ,stable

[派生] substantiality / sEb7stAnFi5Aliti / n. 实在性, 实质性, 实体

strengthen / 5streNWEn / v. 加强, 巩固

[例] Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks.


[反义] weaken / 5wi:kEn / v. 削弱, (使)变弱

[派生] strength / streNW / n. 力, 力量, 力气, 实力, 兵力, 浓度

jurisdiction / 7dVuEris5dikFEn / n. 权限

[例] It doesn\'t lie within my jurisdiction to set you free. 我无权将你释放。

[派生] jurisdictional / 7dVuEris5dikFEnEl / adj. 司法的, 司法权的, 审判权的, 管辖权的

[固定搭配] within sb \'s jurisdiction在某人的权限之内; outside sb \'s jurisdiction



1. Furthermore, mandatory retirement will put a financial strain on the limited _______ of the government as retired people mainly live on the state pension.

A. deficit     B. tariff       C. budget     D. tax

2. After the girl got the________ from the doctor, she asked: \"How soon will I get better with the medicine?\"

A. dictation     B. aspiration   C. information   D. prescription

3.The purpose of the ________ is not to clone human beings but to establish cell cultures that can serve as models of human disease.

A. constancy     B. procedure   C. consolation   D. choice

4. Many Chinese companies have promised to give support for the relief and reconstruction of the affected countries, among which China’s leading computer _________ Lenovo will offer half a million US dollars.

A. manufacturer   B. commodity   C. chorus     D. virus

5. There is a popular perception that the psychological difference between men and women is ________ - as seen in books such as Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray.

A. eligible     B. amicable     C. substantial     D. surface


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 26

一、真题文章(1994年text 1)

The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. Private businessmen, striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.

An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-producers. If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.

    The important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property) , and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.




 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:02:28 | 只看该作者

economic /7i:kE5nCmik/ adj. 1经济(上)的2产供销的3经济学的

[例] The country is a bad economic state. 国家经济状况很糟糕。

basically /5beIsIkElI/ adv. 基本上, 主要地

[例] Basically, he is a nice person, but he doesn’t always show it. 他基本上是个好人,但并不经常表现出来。

[同义] essentially, fundamentally

enterprise / 5entEpraiz / n. 1企业, 事业,计划2事业心, 进取心;干事业

[例] Watch making and banking are the chief enterprises of the country. 制表业和银行业是这个国家的主要企业。

[派生] enterprising / 5entEpraiziN / adj. 有事业心的, 有进取心的, 有魄力的, 有胆量的

[固定搭配]free enterprise 自由企业经济,私营企业

orient / [5C:riEnt / n. 东方, 东方诸国(指地中海以东各国) vi.1适应形势 2向东 vt. 1使朝东2 使适应;确定方向

[例] In the markets, I breathed the smells of the Orient. 在这些市场上,我闻到东方国家的气味。

[反义] occident / 5RksIdEnt / n. 西方, 西洋, 欧美, 西欧诸国

[派生] oriental / 7C(:)ri5entl / n. 东方人(尤指中国人和日本人)

adj. 东方诸国的, 亚洲的, 东方的;(珍珠等)最优质的

orientation / 7C(:)rien5teiFEn/ n. 方向, 方位, 定位, 倾向性, 向东方

consumer / kEn5sju:mE / n. 消费者

[例] The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers. 公司把上涨的费用都转嫁到消费者身上。

[派生] consume / kEn5sju:m / vt. 1消耗, 消费, 消灭;大吃大喝, 2吸引 vi. 消灭, 毁灭

consumption / kEn5sQmpFEn / n. 消费, 消费量

strive / straiv / v. 努力, 奋斗, 力争, 斗争

[例] He strove to be recognized as a musician. 他力争被人们承认是个音乐家。

[同义] struggle, endeavor

[固定搭配]strive after [for] 为...奋斗; 力求...; 争取...;strive toward

向...奋进, 为...而努力;strive with 同...作斗争;

profit / 5prCfit / n. 利润, 益处, 得益 vi. 得益, 利用 vt. 有益于, 有利于

[例] Speculators profits from changes in prices. 投机商从物价变动中得利。

[词组] at a profit 以获利为结果

[同义] gain, benefit, advantage

[反义] loss

[派生] profitable adj.有利可图的

[固定搭配] fat profit 巨额利润;make a profit on在... 上获利;make one\'s profit of 利用, 使对自已有利;to one\'s profit [with] profit 有益;profit by [from] 从...中得到益处[吸取教训];

motive / 5mEutiv / n. 动机, 目的 adj. 发动的;运动的

[例] Greed was his only motive for stealing. 贪婪是他偷窃的唯一原因。

[同义] aim, purpose

[派生] motivation / 7mEuti5veiFEn / n. 动机

pressure / `preFE(r) / n. 1压,压力2电压3压迫,强制,紧迫

[例] The pressure of the wind filled the sails of the boat. 风力使船帆张满。

individual   / 7indi5vidjuEl / n. 个人, 个体 adj. 个别的, 单独的, 个人的

[例] The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in a free society. 个人的权利恐怕是自由社会的最重要的权利。

maximize / 5mAksmaiz / vt. 取...最大值, 最佳化

[例] We must maximize output. 我们必须尽量提高产量。

[反义] minimize / 5mInImaIz / vt. 将...减到最少 v. 最小化

[派生] minimum / 5minimEm / adj. 最小的, 最低的 n. 最小值, 最小化

maximum / 5mAksimEm / n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大 adj. 最高的, 最多的, 最大极限的

resource / ri5sC:s / n. 资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋

[例] natural resources 自然资源

a man of great resource 足智多谋的人

[固定搭配]leave sb. to his own resources 不去打扰

factor / 5fAktE / n. 1因素,要素,因数2代理人

[例] Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.


mechanism / 5mekEnizEm / n. 1机械装置2机构,机制

[例] The clock doesn’t go; there is something wrong with the mechanism. 钟不走了,机件出了毛病。

respond / ris5pCnd / v. 回答, 响应, 作出反应 vi. 有反应

[例] I offered him a drink but he didn\'t respond. 我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。

relative / 5relEtiv / n. 1亲戚2关系词3相关物3亲缘植物adv. 1有关系的2相对的,比较而言的

[例] After his troubles, he\'s now in relative comfort. 困境过后,他现在比较舒服了。

[派生] relativity / 7relE5tiviti / n. 相对性, 相关性,相对论

[固定搭配] be relative to 1和……成比例2和……有关系3随…为转移

bid / bid / vt. 1出价,投标2祝愿3命令,吩咐n. 1出价,投标2支付

[例] They lost the contract because their bid was too high. 他们因索价太高而失去了那张合同。

eliminate / i5limineit / vt. 排除, 消除 v. 除去

[例] She has been eliminated from the swimming race because she did not win any of the practice races. 她已被取消了游泳比赛,因为她在训练中没有得到名次。

[同义] remove, wipe out

commodity / kE5mCditi / n. 商品,日用品

[例] Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad. 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。

productive / prE5dQktiv / adj. 生产性的, 生产的;能产的, 多产的

[例] a very productive writer 多产作家

a productive effort 生产力

[派生] productivity / 7prCdQk5tiviti / n. 生产力

product / 5prCdEkt / n. 产品, 产物, 乘积

production / prE5dQkFEn / n. 生产, 产品, 作品, (研究)成果

property / 5prCpEti / n. 财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具

[例] This car is my property. 这车是我的财产。

[同义] possession, belongings

embrace / im5breis / vt.1拥抱;互相拥抱2包含3收买4信奉vi.拥抱n.拥抱

[例] She embraced her son tenderly when he came home after ten years\' absence. 她儿子离家十年后回家时她亲切地拥抱儿子。

[同义] hug, hold, accept, adopt


1、The article___many important points of the government reconstruction plan.

A. fluctuates   B. flourish   C. endows   D. embraces

2、The police found some stolen __ in the thief’s house.

A. property   B. factor   C. relative   D. motive

3、We must ___ our products to the needs of the market.

A. enterprise     B. eliminate   C. orient   D. commodity

4、This new invention will bring you great ___ like a goldmine.

A. bid   B. profits   C. control   D. rein

5、The patient has ___ rapidly to the treatment.

A. responded   B. occupied   C. occur   D. denoted

6、The ___ of oral learning is largely that of continuous repetition.

A. maximum   B. quantity   C. mechanism   D. strength

7、The sick man complained of a feeling of ___ on his chest.

A. stride   B. stream   C. linger   D. pressure

8、His __ for working so hard is that he needs money.

A. optimum   B. ornament   C. reign   D. motive

9、The little girl ___ her granny good morning as she gets up in the morning.

A. strike   B. bid     C. provoke   D. bid

10、The local library is a valuable ___.

A. flare     B. dilemma     C. resource   D. diffuse


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 27

一、真题文章(1994年text 2)

One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the \"cashless society\" is not on the horizon—it\'s already here.

    While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.

    Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.






issue / 5isju: / n. 事件,问题 vi.1发行;流出2造成……结果

[例] “Many people fail to grasp what is really at issue here”(Gail Sheehy) “很多人都没有领会到这里到底在争论什么”(盖尔·希伊)

[固定搭配]at issue待解决的;争议中的;take issue对…持异议;

credit / 5kredit / n.1信任2信用,声望3学分,荣誉vt.相信,信任

[例] You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good. 如果你信誉良好,要取得这笔贷款就没有什么问题了。

[同义] belief, faith, trust

[派生] credible / 5kredEbl / adj. 可信的, 可靠的

[固定搭配] be bare of credit 名誉不好, 无信誉;be to sb.\'s credit 为某人增光;crack credit 失信用;

automatic / 7C:tE5mAtik / n. 自动机械 adj. 自动的, 无意识的

[例] The heating system in the hotel has an automatic temperature control. 旅馆里的取暖系统是自动调温的。

[同义] spontaneous

available / E5veilEbl / adj. 可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的

[例] Attention, please. These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only. 请注意,这种车票仅在发售当天有效。

[反义] hinder

[派生] availability / E7veilE5biliti / n. 可用性, 有效性, 实用性

avail / E5veil / vi. 有益于, 有帮助, 有用 vt. 有利于 n. 效用, 利益

[固定搭配] make sth. available to 使……可以享受某物; 使……买得起某物;make sth. available for 使……可以享受某物;

withdraw / wiT5drC: / vt. 收回, 撤消 vi. 缩回, 退出 v. 撤退

[例] He withdrew from the race. 他退出比赛。

[同义]abandon, deduct, extract, quit,recede,remove, retreat

deposit / di5pCzit/ n. 1堆积物,沉淀物2存款3押金vt.存放;堆vi.沉淀

[例] She deposited her money in the bank. 她把钱存在银行里。

[派生] deposition / 7depE5ziFEn / n. 沉积作用, 沉积物, 革职, 废王位, 免职

[固定搭配]bank deposit 银行存款; demand deposit 活期存款;

petty current deposit 小额(零存)活期存款; on deposit 储存;

time deposit 定期存款; deposit sth. With 把某物存放在...

scatter / 5skAtEd/ n. 离散,分散

[例] The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens. 农民把谷子撒在院子里喂鸡。

[同义] spread, disperse

location / lEu5keiFEn / n. 位置, 场所, 特定区域

[例] Have they decided on the location of the new building yet? 这座新建筑的位置你们定下来了吗?

horizon / hE5raizn / n. 地平线

[例] I could see a ship on the horizon. 我可以看见地平线上有一艘轮船。

[派生] horizontal / 7hCri5zCntl / adj. 地平线的, 水平的

[固定搭配] on the horizon 在地平线上; 在遥远的将来

convenience / kEn5vi:njEns / n. 便利, 方便, 有益

[例] Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides. 这座新造的公寓大楼装有煤气等现代化设备。

[派生] convenient / kEn5vi:njEnt / adj. 便利的, 方便的

register / 5redVistE / n.记录,登记簿vt.记录,登记,注册vi.1登记,注册2挂号

[例] The machine registered how fast we were going. 这台机器指示出我们进行得有多快。

track / trAk / n.1轨迹,车辙2跟踪vt.循路而行,追踪vi.追踪

[例] The hunter followed the animal\'s tracks. 猎人追踪动物的足迹。

efficient / i5fiFEnt / adj.   有效率的, 能干的

[例] This new copy machine is more efficient than the old one. 这台新复印机比那台旧的效率高。

[同义] effective, competent, capable

[派生] efficiency / i5fiFEnsi / n. 效率, 功效

personnel / 7pE:sE5nel / n. 人员, 职员

[例] All personnel were asked to participate. 全体员工都被要求参加。

[同义] staff

staff / stB:f / n. 全体职员 vt. 供给人员, 充当职员

[例] The company has got a staff of about 40. 这家公司大约有40名雇员。

assignment / E5sainmEnt / n.1分配,委派2任务,课外;作业

[例] What are today\'s assignment? 今天的作业是什么?

[派生] assign / E5sain / vt. 分配, 指派 v. 赋值

accordingly / E5kC:diNli / adv. 因此, 从而

[例] He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went. 有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。

[派生] accord / E5kC:d / n. 一致, 符合 vt. 一致

accordance / E5kC:dEns / n. 一致, 和谐

identify / ai5dentifai / vt. 识别, 鉴别, v. 确定

[例] That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours. 那位政客被认为与上届政府关系过于密切,不能成为本届政府里的部长。

[同义] recognize, distinguish

[派生] identification / ai7dentifi5keiFEn / n. 辨认, 鉴定, 证明

identify / ai5dentifai / vt. 识别, 鉴别, 把...和...看成一样 v. 确定

promotional / prEJ`mEJFEnEl / adj. 增进的, 奖励的

[派生] promotion / prE5mEuFEn / n. 促进, 发扬, 提升, 提拔, 晋升

promote / prE5mEut / vt. 促进, 发扬, 提升, 提拔, 晋升为

campaign / kAm5pein / n.   竞选运动 vi. 参加活动, 从事活动;作战

[例] Grant\'s Vicksburg campaign secured the entire Mississippi for the Union. 格兰特的维克伯格战役为联邦挽救了整个密西西比.

manufacturer / 7mAnju5fAktFErE / n. 制造业者, 厂商

[例] The washing machine doesn’t work, so we sent it back to the manufacturers. 这台洗衣机坏了,所以我们把它送回制造厂家。

[派生] manufacture / 7mAnju5fAktFE / vt. 制造, 加工 n. 制造, 制造业;产品

analyze / 5AnElaiz / vt. 分析, 分解

[例] The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water. 科学家分析了一下牛奶,发现里面含水分过多。

[反义] synthesize

[派生] analysis / E5nAlisis / n. 分析, 分解

analyst / 5AnElist / n. 分析家, 分解者

emphasize / 5emfEsaIz / vt. 强调, 着重 v. 强调

[例] I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。

[反义] ignore, neglect

[派生] emphasis / 5emfEsis / n. 强调, 重点

raw / rC: / adj. 未加工的, 生疏的, 处于自然状态的 vt. 擦伤

[例] All these are raw materials. 这些都是原材料。

numerous / 5nju:mErEs / adj. 众多的, 许多的, 无数的

[例] Those birds have become more numerous lately. 近来那种鸟变得越来越多了。

[同义] many,a lot of

commercial / kE5mE:FEl / adj. 商业的, 贸易的

[例] A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business. 商学院教授那些在商业中可能会有用的东西。

[派生] commerce / 5kCmE(:)s / n. 商业

utility / ju:5tiliti / n. 效用, 有用

[例] A commodity or service, such as electricity, water, or public transportation, that is provided by a public utility. 公用事业:由公用事业公司提供的商品或服务,如电力,水和公共交通

[派生] utilize / ju:5tIlaIz / vt. 利用

processor / 5prEusesE / n. 处理机 处理器

[例] a wood pulp processor 纸浆加工机

[派生] process / prE5ses / n. 过程, 作用, 方法, 程序 vt. 加工

processive / prEJ`sesIv / adj. 前进的,进行的,向前的


1、He received full __ for his studies at a previous school.

A. commerce     B. process     C. production   D. credit   

2、The young army officer was __ (to the rank of) captain.

A. scattered   B. promoted   C. utilized   D. located

3、I\'m sorry, those overcoats are not __ in your color and size.

A. numerous   B. commercial   C. horizontal   D. available

4、A transmission or a motor vehicle with an __ gear-shifting mechanism.

A. personnel   B. staff   C. analyzed   D. automatic

5、I __ the jacket at once; it was my brother\'s.

A. identified   B. assigned   C. registered   D. deposited

6、The firm is now in the __ of moving the main equipment to a new place.

A. emphasis   B. raw   C. utility   D. process

7、The teacher __ paper and pencils to all the children.

A. infer   B. initiated   C. issued   D. manifested

8、The two governments __ a day for the next negotiation.

A. humble   B. elite   C. emitted   D. assigned

9、The new secretary is a quick, __ worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.

A. efficiency   B. effective   C. efficient   D. dim

10、Our country has been trying to broaden its __with other nations.

A. hatch   B. resume   C. volunteer   D. commerce

 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:03:02 | 只看该作者
考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 28

一、真题文章 (1994年text 3)

Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

    Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society\' s understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.

    Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that minor we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

    \"All men are created equal.\" We\'ve heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country\'s founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.







exceptional / ik5sepFEnl / adj. 例外的, 异常的

[例] \"All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really exceptional.\" \"她的孩子们都很聪明,但最小的女儿尤为突出。\"

[派生] exception / ik5sepFEn / n. 除外, 例外, 反对, 异议

except / ik5sept / vt. 除, 把...除外, 反对, 不计 vi. 反对 prep. 除了...之外, 若不是, 除非 conj. 只是, 要不是

significant / si^5nifikEnt / adj. 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

[例] It is a significant change in the tax laws. 税务法律中的一个重大变化。

[派生] significance / si^5nifikEns / n. 意义, 重要性

adult / E5dQlt / , / 5AdQlt / n. 成人, 成年人 adj. 成人的, 成熟的

[例] The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section. 家里的大人们喜欢头一版,即社论版,和世界新闻栏。

potential / pE5tenF(E)l / adj. 潜在的, 可能的 n.1潜能,潜力2电压

[例] Every seed is a potential plant. 每粒种子都可能长成植物。

[同义] possible, hidden, underlying

[反义] actual

adapt / E5dApt / vt. 使适应, 改编

[例] When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well. 他移居加拿大后孩子们很能适应变化。

[同义] adjust

[反义] alter, change, modify, vary

[派生] adaptation / 7AdAp5teiFEn / n. 适应, 改编, 改写本

[固定搭配]adapt for 使适合于; adapt from 根据...改写;adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事;adapt sth. to 使某事物适应或适合

focus / 5fEukEs / n. (兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距 vi. 聚焦, 注视

vt. 使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦, 集中

[例] This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera. 这张照片看上去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距了。

[同义] concentrate

capture / 5kAptFE / n. 捕获;战利品 vt. 俘获, 捕获, 夺取

[例] The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of all newspapers. 总理的国事访问各报都用大标题登出。

[同义] arrest, imprison, seize

[反义] release

aware / E5wZE / adj. 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的

[例] We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。

[同义] conscious, knowing, realizing

[反义] ignorant, unaware

[派生] awareness / E5wZEnis / n. 知道, 晓得

[固定搭配] be aware of 知道, 意识到

scenery / 5si:nEri / n. 风景, 景色

[例] The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。

generation / 7dVenE5reiFEn / n.1产生,发生2一代,一代人

[例] We belong to the same generation. 我们是同龄人。

[派生] generate / 5dVenE7reit / vt. 产生, 发生

generator / 5dVenEreitE / n. 发电机, 发生器

prejudice / 5predVudis / n.1偏见,成见2损害v.侵害,损害

[例] A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官不应存有偏见。

decade / 5dekeid / n. 十年, 十

[例] Prices have risen steadily during the past decade. 在过去的十年间,物价一直在上涨。

indicate / 5indikeit / vt.1指出,显示2象征,预示3需要4简要地说明

[例] In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

[同义] hint, imply

deserve / di5zE:v / vt. 应受, 值得 v. 应受

[例] These people deserve our help. 这些人值得我们帮助。

[固定搭配] deserve ill of 有罪[功]于;deserve well of 有罪[功]于;deserve better of 有罪[功]于;rightly deserve 完全应得(惩罚)

capability / 7keipE5biliti / n. (实际)能力, 性能, 容量, 接受力

[例] The little girl has great capability as a singer and should be trained. 这个小女孩很有当歌手的才能,应该加以训练。


democratic / 7demE5krAtik / adj. 民主的, 民主主义的;民主政体的

[例] “a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords”(George du Maurier) “真正的民主对发胖的贵族和地主嗤之以鼻”(乔治·杜·莫里耶)

[派生] democracy / di5mCkrEsi / n. 民主政治, 民主主义

denote / di5nEut / vt. 指示, 表示

[例] The mark ‘∧’ denotes a place of omission. “∧”记号指示有脱漏的地方。

[同义] imply,indicate,signify

equality / i(:)5kwCliti / n. 等同性, 同等, 平等, 相等, 等式

[例] All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way. 三个小孩在我们家都是平等的,他们都被同等对待。

interpreter / in5tE:pritE / n.1解释程序2解释者,口译人员;翻译员

[例] “An actor is an interpreter of other men\'s words, often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world”(Alec Guinness) “演员是他人话语的口译员,通常是一个希望向世界展示自己的人物”(亚历克·吉尼斯)

[派生] interpret / in5tE:prit / v. 解释, 说明, 口译, 通译, 认为是...的意思

opportunity / 7CpE5tju:niti /   n. 机会, 时机

[例] I\'ll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year. 明年我们还有一次机会参观这个展览会。

[同义] chance,occasion

capacity / kE5pAsiti / n.1容量,生产量2智能,才能,能力

[例] I have come in the capacity of a legal adviser. 我是以法律顾问的身份来的。

confirm / kEn5fE:m /   vt. 确定, 批准 v. 确认, (基督教中)给...行按手礼

[例] Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。

[同义] establish,prove,verify

[反义] contradict,deny,disprove

appropriate / E5prEupriit / adj. 适当的

[例] His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion. 他的便服,不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。

[同义] suitable,proper

[反义] inappropriate,unfit,unsuitable

modify / 5mCdifai / vt. 更改, 修改 v. 修改

[例] The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets. 这设备可以经过改装用来生产光碟机。

[派生] modification / 7mCdifi5keiFEn / n. 更改, 修改, 修正

substantially / sEb5stAnF(E)lI /   adv. 主要地;实质上地 重大地

[例] The plan was substantially fulfilled. 这个计划被实质性的执行了。

[派生] substance / 5sQbstEns / n. 物质, 实质, 主旨

substantial / sEb5stAnFEl / adj. 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的


1、 In order to be classified as having ___ ability in the sciences, arts, or business, the individual must provide some documents.

A. primitive   B. gossip   C. brief   D. exceptional

2、 The answer is that the conversion factor with the smallest number of ___ figures determines the overall accuracy of any calculation.

A. weak   B. bold     C. significant   D. slack

3、 ___ energy exists whenever an object which has mass has a position within a force field.

A. startle   B. static   C. Potential   D. manifest

4、 Evolution\'s rules are simple: Creatures that ___ to threats and master the evolutionary game thrive; those that don\'t, become extinct.

A. adapt   B. engage   C. disgust   D. consist

5、The use of motion ___ for computer character animation is relatively new, having begun in the late 1970\'s, and only now beginning to become widespread.

A. captive     B. capture   C. incidence   D. retort

6、Instead of bringing or holding people together, ___ and discrimination push them apart.

A. prejudice   B. retain   C. strength   D. stretch

7、 In a recent address at the Whitehill Chapel, President George W. Bush declared that Palestinians ___ better leadership.

    A. moderate   B. timid   C. wink   D. deserve

8、 The term \"CC/PP attribute\" is used here to refer to a specific ___ or characteristic of a client (or other system) that appears in a CC/PP profile.

A. capacity   B. capability   C. deserve   D. modification

9、 The Washington Post commends the California legislature for its historic endorsement of marriage __.

A. substance   B. generation   C. implication   D. equality

10、The question of how the Supreme Court should __ the Constitution lies at the heart of recent debates over judicial nominations, and could have important implications for public policy.

A. denote   B. interpret   C. pulse   D. inhibit


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 29

一、真题文章(1994年text 4)

\"I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we\'ll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise,\" says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. \"But,\" he cautions, \"some people have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur,he discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available. \"

    This year, 50 percent of the 910,000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates, that figure will be 75 percent. For some skin cancers, the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival statistics are still discouraging-----13 percent for lung cancer, and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas (胰腺) .

    With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes (基因) , are inactive in normal cells. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown. If several oncogenes are driven into action, the cell, unable to turn them off, becomes cancerous.

  The exact mechanisms involved are still mysterious, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers. \"Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process,\" says oncologist William Hayward. Environmental factors can
never be totally eliminated; as Hayward points out, \"We can\'t prepare a medicine against cosmic rays.\"

    The prospects for cure, though still distant, are brighter.

  \"First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. Second, we have to determine whether there are a limited number of genes in cells which are always responsible for at least part of the trouble. If we can understand how cancer works, we can counteract its action. \"


癌症专家、微生物学家Robert Weinberg说:“我充分相信,本年代末我们就能够了解关于癌细胞如何产生的大量细节。”他警告说:“但是,有些人认为一旦一个人了解了癌症的原因,那么治疗方法很快就能找到了。请想一想Pasteur吧,他发现了多种导致感染的原因,但是直到五、六十年之后人们才找到治疗的方法。”



与癌变相关的准确的运作机制依旧是很神秘的,但多种癌症的根源在于基因,这一可能性表明我们可能永远无法防止癌症。肿瘤学家William Hayward说:“在进化过程中,改变是正常的”。环境因素永远无法彻底排除,正如Hayward所指出的“我们没法研究出一种药来对抗宇宙射线”。




confidence / 5kCnfidEns / n. 信心

[例] “The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence, utter, complete and bumptious” (George S. Patton).   “一个士兵所拥有的最重要的品格是自信、果断、彻底和骄傲” (乔治·S·巴顿)。

[同义] assurance

[反义] doubt, distrust, diffidence

[派生] confident / 5kCnfidEnt / adj. 自信的, 确信的

vast / vB:st / adj. 巨大的, 辽阔的, 巨额的

[例] The city is vast compared to our village. 和我们村相比,这个城市非常大。

[同义] enormous,gigantic,great,huge,immense,large

detail / 5di:teil , di5teil / n. 细节, 详情 vt. 详述, 细说

[例] Give me all the details of the accident — tell me what happened in detail. 给我说说事故发生的详情,详细告诉我发生了什么事。

cancer / 5kAnsE / n. 癌, 毒瘤

[例] Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society. 官僚主义是我们社会的弊端。

[派生] cancerous / `kAnsErEs / adj. 癌的

caution / 5kC:FEn / n. 小心, 谨慎, 警告 vt. 警告

[例] The veteran worker cautioned me not to inspect the tool machine without first turning off power. 老工人告诫我不要在关断电源前去检查机床。

[派生] cautious / 5kC:FEs / adj. 谨慎的, 小心的
 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:03:12 | 只看该作者
infection / in5fekFEn / n.   传染, 传染病;影响

[例] People with hepatitis who work in restaurants often pass on the infection in the food. 在餐馆工作的肝炎患者经常通过食物把这种病传染给他人。

[派生] infect / in5fekt / vt.   传染, 感染

survive / sE5vaiv / v. 幸免于, 幸存, 生还

[例] The man was very ill, but he survived. 这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。

[同义] continue,outlast,outlive,remain

[反义] perish

[派生] survival / sE5vaivEl / n. 生存, 幸存, 残存;幸存者, 残存物

estimate / 5estimeit / v. 估计, 估价, 评估 n. 估计, 估价, 评估

[例] I asked the building firm to estimate for the repairs to the stairs. 我请建筑公司估算一下修理楼梯的费用。

statistics / stE5tistiks / n. 统计学, 统计表

[例] Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972. 要记住,这些统计数据是关于一九七二年时的一年级生情况的。

lung / lQN / n. 肺, 呼吸器, 肺脏

[例] She was screaming at the top of her lungs. 她放声大叫。

existence / i^5zistEns / n. 存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物

[例] The elephant is the largest land animal in existence. 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。

[派生] exist / i^5zist / vi. 存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在

cosmic / 5kCzmik / adj. 宇宙的

[例] Planets were formed out of cosmic dust. 行星是由宇宙尘形成的。

dormant / 5dC:mEnt / adj. 睡眠状态的, 静止的, 隐匿的

[例] There is a dormant volcano. 有一座休眠火山。

[同义] inactive,sleeping

involve / in5vClv / vt. 包括, 笼罩;潜心于, 使陷于

[例] All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。

mysterious / mis5tiEriEs / adj. 神秘的

[例] They\'re being very mysterious about their holiday plans. 关于他们的度假计划,他们显得很神秘。

[派生] mystery / 5mistEri / n. 神秘, 神秘的事物

initiate / i5niFieit / vt. 开始, 发动, 传授 v. 开始, 发起

[例] The book was written to initiate to outsiders in the mysteries of the trade. 写这本书是为了让外行初步了解这一行业的奥秘。

[同义] begin, start, introduce, admit, receive

[派生] initiation / i7niFi5eiFEn / n. 开始

evolutionary / 9i:vE`lU:FEnErI / adj. 进化的

[例] It is an evolutionary phenomenon. 那是一个进化现象。

[派生] evolve / i5vClv / v. (使)发展, (使)进展, (使)进化

evolution / 7i:vE5lu:FEn, 7evE- /   n. 进展, 发展, 演变, 进化

prospect / 5prCspekt / n. 景色, 前景, 前途;期望 vi. 寻找, 勘探

[例] The prospecting team ploughed their way through the snows. 勘探队排雪前进。

[同义] perspective, outlook

[派生] prospective / prEs5pektiv / adj. 预期的

[固定搭配]in prospect 可期待; 有...希望; 在考虑中,open up prospects (for) 为 ... 开辟前景

normal / 5nC:mEl / n. 正规, 常态 adj. 正常的, 正规的, 标准的

[例] The normal price of a ticket if $230! 一张票的正常价格是230英镑。

[同义] ordinary, regular

[反义] abnormal

counteract / 7kauntE5rAkt / vt. 抵消, 中和

[例] This drug should counteract the poison. 这药可消解毒性。


1、\"One thing I\'m __ of is that, at the end of the day, after the jury\'s heard all of the evidence, they will find and see that George Ryan is not guilty of all charges in this indictment,\" said Webb, who should not be underestimated on that score despite the multitude of accusations facing his client.

A. cautious   B. confident   C. cancerous   D. mysterious

2、NASA\'s Hubble Space Telescope has snapped a panoramic portrait of a __, sculpted landscape of gas and dust where thousands of stars are being born.

A. vast   B. dormant   C. initial   D. numb

3、Most HIV infections still occur in men, however, the frequency of __ in women is increasing, especially in developing countries.

A. designation   B. participation   C. retort   D. infection

4、To __ as a hunter-gatherer you have to know which you can eat and which to avoid.

A. modify   B. preach   C. survive   D. shrink

5、Please note: this tool will __ the gross amount of your retirement benefit.

A. terrify   B. update   C. persevere   D. estimate

6、In this section you will find arguments of many different kinds for the __ of God.

A. orient   B. ornament   C. existence   D. hazard

7、Find about how to__ important stakeholders -- staff, parents, community members, and other professionals -- in your staff development efforts.

A. heal   B. involve   C. meditate   D. stress

8、We look at how RSS has __ from its humble beginnings through present day and beyond.

A. evolved   B. wrinkled   C. occurred   D. identify

9、We will __ an IDT to transfer funds for the mouse expenses when we begin the injection series. This portion of the fee is about half.

A. glance   B. defy   C. initiate   D. deform

10、Tribal leaders hope to __ Bush budget cuts.

A. delegate   B. calculate   C. counteract   D. boost


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 30

一、真题文章 ( 1994年text 5 )

Discoveries in science and technology are thought by \"untaught minds\" to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold ( 霉 ) on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then. He experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score.

    The point is that the players who score most are the ones who take most shots at the goal ---and so it goes with innovation in any field of activity. The prime difference between innovators and others is one of approach. Everybody gets ideas, but innovators work consciously on theirs, and they follow them through until they prove practicable or otherwise. What ordinary people see as fanciful abstractions , professional innovators see as solid possibilities.

    \"Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there\' s no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done, \" wrote Rudolph Flesch , a language authority, this accounts for our reaction to seemingly simple innovations like plastic garbage bags and suitcases on wheels that make life more convenient : \"How come nobody thought of that before?\"

    The creative approach begins with the proposition that nothing is as it appears. Innovators will not accept that there is only one way to do anything. Faced with getting from A to B, the average person will automatically set out on the best-known and apparently simplest route. The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends.

    Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer.


    一些不了解情况的人认为科学技术的发现来自盲目的灵感或者是戏剧性的意外事故的结果。但Alexander Fleming 并不像传说中的那样,看着奶酪上长出的霉,在那一瞬间就想到了青霉素。在这一发现之前,他已经花了九年的时间实验抗生素物质。发明创造几乎总是来自辛勤的实验和不断的错误之后。创造就像踢足球,即使最好的球员也会失球,并且球被堵射的机会总是比进球的机会要频繁的多。


语言学权威Rudolph Flesch 曾写道:“创造性思维的含义也许就是认识到没有必要总是循规蹈矩的做事情。”这道出了我们对一些发明的反应,如塑料垃圾和带轮子的行李箱,它们外表简单,但给我们的生活却带来了极大的方便,我们总是想“为什么以前没有人想到呢?”




technology / tek5nClEdVi /   n. 技术, 工艺, 工程, 方法制造,

[例] Science and technology is the symbol of the modern society .


[派生] technological   / 7teknE5lCdVikEl /   adj. 科技的

technologist / tek5nClEdVist / n. 技术专家, 工艺学家, 工艺人员

dramatic   / drE5mAtik /   adj. 戏剧性的, 动人的

[例] The mountains , blue –green glaciers, and other dramatic sights are attracting more and more tourists each year . 连绵的山峦,翠绿的冰川,以及其他许多惊心动魄的景色年年吸引着越来越多的游客。

[同义] significant ,noticeable

[派生] drama   / 5drB:mE / n.   (在舞台上演的)戏剧, 戏剧艺术

    dramatics / drE5mAtiks / n. 业余演出(或创作的)戏剧,戏剧效果

legend / 5ledVEnd /   n. 传说, 传奇,伟人传;图例

[例] He is a legend in his own lifetime for his scientific discoveries .


[派生] legendary / 5ledVEndEri /   n. 传奇故事书, 传奇文学 adj. 传说中的

mold   / mEuld / n.1模子, 铸型2霉3性格, 气质 vt. 浇铸, 塑造

[例] He is cast in his father\'s mold.   他长得和他父亲一模一样。

[派生] moldy / 5mEJldI / adj.   发霉的, 腐臭的

antibacterial   / 5AntibAk5tiEriEl /   adj. 抗菌的   n. 抗菌药

[例]The chemist experimented for many times and at last he discovered the antibacterial substances.


innovation / 7inEu5veiFEn / n. 创新, 革新, 改革, 新发明

[例] The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.本世纪发明的空中飞行似乎使世界变小了。

[派生] innovate / 5inEuveit / vi. 改革, 创新

innovative / `InEJveItIv/ adj. 创新的, 革新(主义)的

soccer / 5sCkE / n. 英式足球

[例] Soccer is a popular game played between 2 teams of 11 players who

kick or touch a round ball without using the arms or hands .



[同义] football / 5futbC:l / n.足球, 橄榄球

prime / praim / n. 最初, 青春, 精华 adj. 1主要的, 最初的, 有青春活力的2最好的 v. 1预先准备好, <口>让人吃(喝)足2灌注, 填装

[例]   1灌注: They primed the lamp with oil.     他们为灯加满了油。

    2最好:Spring is the prime time for planting trees.   春天是植树的最好时间。

[派生] primely / `praImlI / adv. 最初, 最好地, 极好地

[同义] chief ,leading ,main , principal

[反义] subordinate

approach / E5prEutF / n. 1接近, 逼近, 走进2方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 1接近2动手处理 vi . 靠近

[例] 1接近:The performance approaches perfection.


    2方法:The approach is perfect.


[同义] reach, come near

[反义] separate ,part

consciously / 5kCnFEs li /   adv. 有意识地, 自觉地

[例] He was badly hurt and could not think consciously .


[派生] conscious / 5kCnFEs / adj.   知道的, 意识到的有知觉的; 处于清醒状态的
 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:03:20 | 只看该作者
fanciful / 5fAnsiful /   adj.     爱空想的, 奇怪的, 稀奇的, 想像的

[例] Your idea is rather fanciful .你的想法颇为虚悬。

[派生] fancy / 5fAnsi / adj.   奇特的, 异样的   vt.   想象, 设想, 认为, 爱好, 自负 n. 爱好, 迷恋, 想象力

abstraction   / Ab5strAkFEn /   n.1抽象概念2提取,萃取,抽出3不切实际的观念4出神5引水,抽血

[例] The idea of redness is an abstraction.   红色概念是一种抽象概念。

[派生]abstract / 5AbstrAkt /   n.   摘要, 概要, 抽象 adj.抽象的, 深奥的, 理论的

vt.摘要, 提炼, 抽象化

abstractionism / Ab`strAkFEnIzEm /   n.【美】抽象主义; 抽象派艺术

professional / prE5feFEnl / n. 自由职业者, 专业人员, 职业运动员, 职业艺人

adj.专业的, 职业的

[例] A lawyer is a professional man. 律师是从事专门职业的人。

[同义] occupational, vocational

[反义] amateur

[派生] profession / prE5feFEn /   n. 职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布

virtue / 5vE:tju: /   n.   德行, 美德, 优点

[例] Honesty is a virtue. 诚实是一种美德。

[同义] morality, merit, goodness

[反义] vice

[派生] virtuous   / 5vE:tjuEs /   adj.善良的, 有道德的, 贞洁的, 有效力的

[固定搭配]by virtue of 由于;靠…的力量 (= in virtue of);

woman of easy virtue (和许多男人发生性关系的)水性女子;

authority   / C:5WCriti/   n. 权威;权威人士;著作权威

[例] Deputies were given authority to make arrests. 代表们被授予拘捕权

[同义] right, power

[派生] authorization / 7C:WErai5zeiFEn / n.授权, 认可

authorize / 5C:WEraIz /   v. 批准

authorized / 5C:WEraIzd /   adj.   权威认可的, 审定的, 经授权的

plastic   / 5plAstik, plB:stik /   n.1塑胶,可塑体,塑料制品2整形   adj.塑胶的, 塑造的, 有可塑性的, 造形的

[例] plastic cups   塑料杯   plastic surgery   整形外科   

garbage / 5^B:bidV /   n.垃圾, 废物

[例] Their advice turned out to be nothing but garbage.


[同义] junk, litter, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste

proposition / 7prCpE5ziFEn / n.   主张, 建议;问题 vi. 提议, 建议

[例] Finding an affordable apartment will be a difficult proposition.


[同义] suggestion

[派生] propose / prE5pEuz /   vt.计划, 建议, 向...提议, 求(婚)

vi.打算, 求婚

apparently / E5pArEntlI /   adv. 显然地, 明白; 外观上地

[例] I wasn’t there , but apparently she tried to drown him .


[同义] evidently

alternate   / C:l5tE:nit / adj. 交替的, 轮流的; 预备的 v. 交替, 轮流, 改变

[例] His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep.


[同义] periodic ,rotate , change

[反义] consecutive, successive, sequent

[派生] alternation / 7C:ltE:5neiFEn /   n.交替, 轮流, 间隔

alternative   / C:l5tE:nEtiv /   n. 二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物 adj.选择性的, 二中择一的

bound   / baund / n. 跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度   adj. 正要启程的, 开往…去的, 被束缚的, 装订的   v. 跳跃, 限制

[例]1跳: His heart bounded with excitement.   他兴奋得心头砰砰直跳。

2限度Our joy knew no bounds.   我们快乐无比。

[同义] jump, leap

[固定搭配]be bound to 必定, 一定;be bound up in 热心于, 专心致志于;

be bound up with 与……有密切联系; 与……利益一致;


1.     His character has been ________ more by his experiences in life than by the education he got at school .

A. beheld     B. harnessed     C. molded     D. condensed

2.     ________ in factories sometimes cause industrial troubles .

A. Processes     B. Motivation   C. Exclusion   D. Innovations

3.     I was attracted by a very _________ woman with flashing eyes and a long black dress.

A. drastic     B. consistent     C. dramatic   D. implicit

4. His book presents a new _______ to the difficulty .

  A. approach     B. consumption   C. contamination   D. array

5. He wore a look of ________ and I knew his thought were far away .

  A. excitement   B. abstraction     C. concentration   D. strain

6. If a footballer handles the ball to stop another player getting it , it is often called a ________ offence .

  A. productive   B. primitive     C. professional     D. potential

7. Look! There are so many dark clouds . It’s ________ to rain .

  A. imperative   B. rival       C. bound       D. desolate

8. The ________ at the town hall are slow to deal with the complaints .

  A. blacksmith   B. authority     C. jargon     D. mount

9. The man wanted to buy our house and made us an attractive _______ .

A. auction   B. judge   C. justice     D. proposition

10. She was so nervous that she ________ in watching the clock and staring at the telephone .

A. alternated     B. amended     C. amazed   D. succeeded


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 31

一、     真题文章(1995年text 1)

Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of . It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor, and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment . It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television license would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 per cent more.

And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once. If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it , and that it represents good value.

Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade.

If its message were confined merely to information---and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly persuasive---advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants.

二、     译文

花钱做广告是我所知道的非常好的花钱方式。它直接帮助货物以合理的价格快速配送出去,以此在国内市场站稳脚跟,并可能以有竞争力的价格提供出口。通过吸引人关注新的概念,广告在很大程度上帮助提高生活的标准;通过帮助增加需求,广告确保了对劳动力的需求的增长,这不失为对抗失业的有效方法。广告也降低了许多服务的成本:没有广告,你的每天的报纸的价格会提高三倍,你的电视许可证的价格会翻番,公共汽车和地铁的费用会上涨20% 。

可能最重要的是,广告对人所购买的产品和服务提供了一种理性价值的保障。国会有27项法案是针对广告的,此外,正式的广告公司不敢推销那些无法兑现承诺的商品。通过误导性的广告可能会短暂的愚弄一些人,但这不会长久,因为公众的眼光是敏锐的 ,他们决不会再上劣质商品的当。如果你看到一个商品一直在做广告,这就是名副其实的最好证明,证明它的质量很好。




三、     考研核心词汇

distribution / 7distri5bju:FEn / n. 1分配, 分发;配给物2销售3发行

[例] The distribution of the paper is 7000 .   该报的销售量为7000份。

[同义] allocation

[派生] distribute / dis5tribju(:)t / vt. 分发, 分配, 分类, 分区

v. 分发

reasonable / 5ri:znEbl / adj. 合理的, 有道理的,讲道理的

[例] a reasonable man   通情达理的人

[同义] fair, just, justifiable, logical ,practical, rational, realistic, sane

[反义] unreasonable / Qn5ri:znEbl / adj. 不讲道理的, 不合理的, 过度的, 不切实际的

thereby / 5TZE5bai / adv. 1 因此, 从而2在那方面, 在那附近

[例] He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.


export / 5ekspC:t / vt. 输出 n. 1输出, 出口2出口商品 v. 出口

[例] China exports to many other countries regions.


[同义] ship

[反义] import / im5pC:t / n. 1 进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入2重要性

vt. 1 输入, 进口2含...的意思;重要 vi. 有关系, 有重要性

enormously / I5nC:mEslI/ adv. 1非常地2巨大地

[例] I\'m enormously grateful for your help.


ensure / in5FuE / vt. 保证, 担保, 使安全 v. 确保, 确保, 保证

[例] Our precautions ensured our safety.


[同义] assure ,defend, guarantee, guard, make certain ,protect

therefore / 5TZEfC: / adv. 因此, 所以

[例] He has broken his leg and therefore he can\'t walk.


[同义] accordingly , consequently, hence

effective / i5fektiv / adj. 1有效的;被实施的2给人深刻印象, 有生力量

[例] The law is effective immediately.


[反义] ineffective / 7ini5fektiv / adj. 无效的, (指人)工作效率低的

[派生] effect / i5fekt / n. 1结果, 效果2作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 vt. 实现, 达到(目的等)

guarantee   / 7^ArEn5ti: /   n. 1保证, 保证书, 担保2抵押品 vt. 保证, 担保

[例] Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.   缺乏兴趣肯定会导致失败

[同义] assure , certify, endorse , pledge , promise, secure , sponsor, swear , warrant

[固定搭配] bank guarantee 银行担保;bid guarantee 投标担保, 承包担保;buyer\'s credit guarantee 买方信贷担保; cash guarantee 保证金;

parliament / 5pB:lEmEnt / n. 国会, 议会

[例] Parliament makes laws.   议会制订法律。

[派生] parliamentary / 7pB:lE5mentEri /   adj. 议会的

promote / prE5mEut / vt. 1促进, 发扬2提升, 提拔, 晋升为

[例] Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster.


[反义] degrade / di5^reid / v. (使)降级, (使)堕落, (使)退化

[派生] promotion / prE5mEuFEn / n. 1促进, 发扬2提升, 提拔, 晋升

mercifully / 5mE:sifuli / adv. 仁慈的, 慈悲的

[例] This letter is mercifully brief . 这封信十分的简短。

[派生] mercy / 5mE:si /   n. 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

merciful / 5mE:siful /   adj.   仁慈的, 慈悲的

inferior / in5fiEriE / adj. 1下等的, 下级的, 差的, 次的2自卑的, 劣等的

[例] Captain is an inferior rank to major.


[同义] lesser , lower , secondary, subordinate , worse

[反义] superior   / sju:5piEriE /   n. 长者, 高手, 上级 adj. 较高的, 上级的, 上好的, 出众的, 高傲的

[固定搭配] be inferior to 在....之下; 次于; 不如;be sb.\'s inferior in 在....方面不及某人;inferior by comparison 相形见绌;

proof   / pru:f /   n. 1证据, 试验, 考验2[印刷]校样 adj. 1不能透入的2证明用的, 防...的;有耐力的 vt. 1检验, 校对2使不被穿透

[例] Is what you say a guess or have your proof?


[同义] evidence

excessively / Ik5sesIvlI /   adv. 过分地, 非常地

[例] \"Besides, excessively large masses of human beings working in a single gigantic building overburden public transportation.\"


[派生] excess / ik5ses, 5ekses / n. 过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过 adj. 过度的, 额外的

distinction / dis5tiNkFEn /   n. 1区别, 差别, 级别;特性2声望, 显赫

[例] A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.   要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。

[派生] distinct / dis5tiNkt /   adj. 清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的

confine / 5kCnfain / vt.   限制, 禁闭 n. 界限, 边界

[例] Please confine your remarks to the issues at hand.


[同义] contain, enclose, imprison, keep in, restrain , surround

[反义] liberate / 5libEreit /   v. 解放, 释放

[派生] confined   / kEn5faind / adj.   被限制的, 狭窄的, 分娩的

  confinement   / kEn5fainmEnt / n. (被)限制, (被)禁闭, 产期, 分娩

merely / 5miEli / adv.   仅仅, 只, 不过

[例] I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.


[同义] barely , only , purely , simply

[派生] mere / miE / adj. 仅仅的, 起码的, 纯粹的

subtly   / 5sQtli / adv. 敏锐地, 精细地, 巧妙地

[例] News media subtly influences the attitudes of our life .


[派生] subtle / 5sQtl / adj. 狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的

personality / 7pE:sE5nAliti / n. 1个性, 人格;人物, 名人2(用复数)诽谤、人身攻击

[例] Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.


[同义] identity , individuality

四、     强化练习

1.     Employers and educators can get practical information about ______ accommodations and how the ADA and other laws apply to people with psychiatric(精神病学的)disabilities in employment or education.

A. blunt     B.   rigid     C.   raw     D. reasonable

2.     Export Finance and Insurance Corporation aims to increase Australian _______ by providing to our clients internationally competitive insurance and finance services.

A. tourism       B. exports     C. agriculture   D. reputation

3.     There are very ______ ways to \"structure\" a query and use special operators to target the results you seek. Absent these techniques, you will spend endless hours looking at useless documents that do not contain the information you want.

A. valid       B. wrong     C. slow       D. effective

4.     Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit (博学者) $240,000 to ______ the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.

A. ripen     B. magnify     C. promote       D. feed

5.     The Feb. 13, 1945 bombing of Dresden by the British Royal Air Force has become a symbol for excessive violence on the part of the Allies during World War II. But with the 60th anniversary of the bombing on Sunday, a new book by British historian Frederick Taylor argues that this view may not be quite accurate. He said “Dresden(德累斯顿,德国Saxony邦首府) Bombing Is To Be Regretted ________\".

A. Enormously   B. Favorably     C. Feasibly       D. Finitely

6.     The _________ mirage(海市蜃楼)forms when light rays passing through a relatively warm layer of air are bent upward from their path.

A. feeble     B. different     C. inferior         D. similar

7.     \"Deciding whether and how to ______ a genetically engineered organism cannot be an afterthought,\" said committee chair T. Kent Kirk, professor emeritus, department of bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a former microbiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

A. confine     B. fire       C. discreet     D. dictate

8.     Theorem([数]定理 ) 3 is remarkable in that considerably fewer conditions than in the previous theorems ______ universality .

A. diffuse     B. differentiate C. assess     D. ensure

9.     The ______ between phenotype(显型)and genotype is fundamental to the understanding of heredity and development of organisms.

A. distinction   B. assault     C. asset       D. contest

10. A ________ disorder is basically a set of traits that combine to negatively affect your life. They have a wide range of causes and some are easier to treat than others.

A. personality   B. purity     C. attachment     D. calculation

 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:04:02 | 只看该作者
考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 28

一、真题文章 (1994年text 3)

Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

    Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society\' s understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.

    Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that minor we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

    \"All men are created equal.\" We\'ve heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country\'s founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.







exceptional / ik5sepFEnl / adj. 例外的, 异常的

[例] \"All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really exceptional.\" \"她的孩子们都很聪明,但最小的女儿尤为突出。\"

[派生] exception / ik5sepFEn / n. 除外, 例外, 反对, 异议

except / ik5sept / vt. 除, 把...除外, 反对, 不计 vi. 反对 prep. 除了...之外, 若不是, 除非 conj. 只是, 要不是

significant / si^5nifikEnt / adj. 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

[例] It is a significant change in the tax laws. 税务法律中的一个重大变化。

[派生] significance / si^5nifikEns / n. 意义, 重要性

adult / E5dQlt / , / 5AdQlt / n. 成人, 成年人 adj. 成人的, 成熟的

[例] The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section. 家里的大人们喜欢头一版,即社论版,和世界新闻栏。

potential / pE5tenF(E)l / adj. 潜在的, 可能的 n.1潜能,潜力2电压

[例] Every seed is a potential plant. 每粒种子都可能长成植物。

[同义] possible, hidden, underlying

[反义] actual

adapt / E5dApt / vt. 使适应, 改编

[例] When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well. 他移居加拿大后孩子们很能适应变化。

[同义] adjust

[反义] alter, change, modify, vary

[派生] adaptation / 7AdAp5teiFEn / n. 适应, 改编, 改写本

[固定搭配]adapt for 使适合于; adapt from 根据...改写;adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事;adapt sth. to 使某事物适应或适合

focus / 5fEukEs / n. (兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距 vi. 聚焦, 注视

vt. 使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦, 集中

[例] This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera. 这张照片看上去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距了。

[同义] concentrate

capture / 5kAptFE / n. 捕获;战利品 vt. 俘获, 捕获, 夺取

[例] The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of all newspapers. 总理的国事访问各报都用大标题登出。

[同义] arrest, imprison, seize

[反义] release

aware / E5wZE / adj. 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的

[例] We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。

[同义] conscious, knowing, realizing

[反义] ignorant, unaware

[派生] awareness / E5wZEnis / n. 知道, 晓得

[固定搭配] be aware of 知道, 意识到

scenery / 5si:nEri / n. 风景, 景色

[例] The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。

generation / 7dVenE5reiFEn / n.1产生,发生2一代,一代人

[例] We belong to the same generation. 我们是同龄人。

[派生] generate / 5dVenE7reit / vt. 产生, 发生

generator / 5dVenEreitE / n. 发电机, 发生器

prejudice / 5predVudis / n.1偏见,成见2损害v.侵害,损害

[例] A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官不应存有偏见。

decade / 5dekeid / n. 十年, 十

[例] Prices have risen steadily during the past decade. 在过去的十年间,物价一直在上涨。

indicate / 5indikeit / vt.1指出,显示2象征,预示3需要4简要地说明

[例] In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

[同义] hint, imply

deserve / di5zE:v / vt. 应受, 值得 v. 应受

[例] These people deserve our help. 这些人值得我们帮助。

[固定搭配] deserve ill of 有罪[功]于;deserve well of 有罪[功]于;deserve better of 有罪[功]于;rightly deserve 完全应得(惩罚)

capability / 7keipE5biliti / n. (实际)能力, 性能, 容量, 接受力

[例] The little girl has great capability as a singer and should be trained. 这个小女孩很有当歌手的才能,应该加以训练。


democratic / 7demE5krAtik / adj. 民主的, 民主主义的;民主政体的

[例] “a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords”(George du Maurier) “真正的民主对发胖的贵族和地主嗤之以鼻”(乔治·杜·莫里耶)

[派生] democracy / di5mCkrEsi / n. 民主政治, 民主主义

denote / di5nEut / vt. 指示, 表示

[例] The mark ‘∧’ denotes a place of omission. “∧”记号指示有脱漏的地方。

[同义] imply,indicate,signify

equality / i(:)5kwCliti / n. 等同性, 同等, 平等, 相等, 等式

[例] All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way. 三个小孩在我们家都是平等的,他们都被同等对待。

interpreter / in5tE:pritE / n.1解释程序2解释者,口译人员;翻译员

[例] “An actor is an interpreter of other men\'s words, often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world”(Alec Guinness) “演员是他人话语的口译员,通常是一个希望向世界展示自己的人物”(亚历克·吉尼斯)

[派生] interpret / in5tE:prit / v. 解释, 说明, 口译, 通译, 认为是...的意思

opportunity / 7CpE5tju:niti /   n. 机会, 时机

[例] I\'ll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year. 明年我们还有一次机会参观这个展览会。

[同义] chance,occasion

capacity / kE5pAsiti / n.1容量,生产量2智能,才能,能力

[例] I have come in the capacity of a legal adviser. 我是以法律顾问的身份来的。

confirm / kEn5fE:m /   vt. 确定, 批准 v. 确认, (基督教中)给...行按手礼

[例] Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。

[同义] establish,prove,verify

[反义] contradict,deny,disprove

appropriate / E5prEupriit / adj. 适当的

[例] His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion. 他的便服,不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。

[同义] suitable,proper

[反义] inappropriate,unfit,unsuitable

modify / 5mCdifai / vt. 更改, 修改 v. 修改

[例] The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets. 这设备可以经过改装用来生产光碟机。

[派生] modification / 7mCdifi5keiFEn / n. 更改, 修改, 修正

substantially / sEb5stAnF(E)lI /   adv. 主要地;实质上地 重大地

[例] The plan was substantially fulfilled. 这个计划被实质性的执行了。

[派生] substance / 5sQbstEns / n. 物质, 实质, 主旨

substantial / sEb5stAnFEl / adj. 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的


1、 In order to be classified as having ___ ability in the sciences, arts, or business, the individual must provide some documents.

A. primitive   B. gossip   C. brief   D. exceptional

2、 The answer is that the conversion factor with the smallest number of ___ figures determines the overall accuracy of any calculation.

A. weak   B. bold     C. significant   D. slack

3、 ___ energy exists whenever an object which has mass has a position within a force field.

A. startle   B. static   C. Potential   D. manifest

4、 Evolution\'s rules are simple: Creatures that ___ to threats and master the evolutionary game thrive; those that don\'t, become extinct.

A. adapt   B. engage   C. disgust   D. consist

5、The use of motion ___ for computer character animation is relatively new, having begun in the late 1970\'s, and only now beginning to become widespread.

A. captive     B. capture   C. incidence   D. retort

6、Instead of bringing or holding people together, ___ and discrimination push them apart.

A. prejudice   B. retain   C. strength   D. stretch

7、 In a recent address at the Whitehill Chapel, President George W. Bush declared that Palestinians ___ better leadership.

    A. moderate   B. timid   C. wink   D. deserve

8、 The term \"CC/PP attribute\" is used here to refer to a specific ___ or characteristic of a client (or other system) that appears in a CC/PP profile.

A. capacity   B. capability   C. deserve   D. modification

9、 The Washington Post commends the California legislature for its historic endorsement of marriage __.

A. substance   B. generation   C. implication   D. equality

10、The question of how the Supreme Court should __ the Constitution lies at the heart of recent debates over judicial nominations, and could have important implications for public policy.

A. denote   B. interpret   C. pulse   D. inhibit


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 29

一、真题文章(1994年text 4)

\"I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we\'ll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise,\" says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. \"But,\" he cautions, \"some people have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur,he discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available. \"

    This year, 50 percent of the 910,000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates, that figure will be 75 percent. For some skin cancers, the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival statistics are still discouraging-----13 percent for lung cancer, and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas (胰腺) .

    With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes (基因) , are inactive in normal cells. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown. If several oncogenes are driven into action, the cell, unable to turn them off, becomes cancerous.

  The exact mechanisms involved are still mysterious, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers. \"Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process,\" says oncologist William Hayward. Environmental factors can
never be totally eliminated; as Hayward points out, \"We can\'t prepare a medicine against cosmic rays.\"

    The prospects for cure, though still distant, are brighter.

  \"First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. Second, we have to determine whether there are a limited number of genes in cells which are always responsible for at least part of the trouble. If we can understand how cancer works, we can counteract its action. \"


癌症专家、微生物学家Robert Weinberg说:“我充分相信,本年代末我们就能够了解关于癌细胞如何产生的大量细节。”他警告说:“但是,有些人认为一旦一个人了解了癌症的原因,那么治疗方法很快就能找到了。请想一想Pasteur吧,他发现了多种导致感染的原因,但是直到五、六十年之后人们才找到治疗的方法。”


 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:04:18 | 只看该作者
与癌变相关的准确的运作机制依旧是很神秘的,但多种癌症的根源在于基因,这一可能性表明我们可能永远无法防止癌症。肿瘤学家William Hayward说:“在进化过程中,改变是正常的”。环境因素永远无法彻底排除,正如Hayward所指出的“我们没法研究出一种药来对抗宇宙射线”。




confidence / 5kCnfidEns / n. 信心

[例] “The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence, utter, complete and bumptious” (George S. Patton).   “一个士兵所拥有的最重要的品格是自信、果断、彻底和骄傲” (乔治·S·巴顿)。

[同义] assurance

[反义] doubt, distrust, diffidence

[派生] confident / 5kCnfidEnt / adj. 自信的, 确信的

vast / vB:st / adj. 巨大的, 辽阔的, 巨额的

[例] The city is vast compared to our village. 和我们村相比,这个城市非常大。

[同义] enormous,gigantic,great,huge,immense,large

detail / 5di:teil , di5teil / n. 细节, 详情 vt. 详述, 细说

[例] Give me all the details of the accident — tell me what happened in detail. 给我说说事故发生的详情,详细告诉我发生了什么事。

cancer / 5kAnsE / n. 癌, 毒瘤

[例] Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society. 官僚主义是我们社会的弊端。

[派生] cancerous / `kAnsErEs / adj. 癌的

caution / 5kC:FEn / n. 小心, 谨慎, 警告 vt. 警告

[例] The veteran worker cautioned me not to inspect the tool machine without first turning off power. 老工人告诫我不要在关断电源前去检查机床。

[派生] cautious / 5kC:FEs / adj. 谨慎的, 小心的

infection / in5fekFEn / n.   传染, 传染病;影响

[例] People with hepatitis who work in restaurants often pass on the infection in the food. 在餐馆工作的肝炎患者经常通过食物把这种病传染给他人。

[派生] infect / in5fekt / vt.   传染, 感染

survive / sE5vaiv / v. 幸免于, 幸存, 生还

[例] The man was very ill, but he survived. 这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。

[同义] continue,outlast,outlive,remain

[反义] perish

[派生] survival / sE5vaivEl / n. 生存, 幸存, 残存;幸存者, 残存物

estimate / 5estimeit / v. 估计, 估价, 评估 n. 估计, 估价, 评估

[例] I asked the building firm to estimate for the repairs to the stairs. 我请建筑公司估算一下修理楼梯的费用。

statistics / stE5tistiks / n. 统计学, 统计表

[例] Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972. 要记住,这些统计数据是关于一九七二年时的一年级生情况的。

lung / lQN / n. 肺, 呼吸器, 肺脏

[例] She was screaming at the top of her lungs. 她放声大叫。

existence / i^5zistEns / n. 存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物

[例] The elephant is the largest land animal in existence. 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。

[派生] exist / i^5zist / vi. 存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在

cosmic / 5kCzmik / adj. 宇宙的

[例] Planets were formed out of cosmic dust. 行星是由宇宙尘形成的。

dormant / 5dC:mEnt / adj. 睡眠状态的, 静止的, 隐匿的

[例] There is a dormant volcano. 有一座休眠火山。

[同义] inactive,sleeping

involve / in5vClv / vt. 包括, 笼罩;潜心于, 使陷于

[例] All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。

mysterious / mis5tiEriEs / adj. 神秘的

[例] They\'re being very mysterious about their holiday plans. 关于他们的度假计划,他们显得很神秘。

[派生] mystery / 5mistEri / n. 神秘, 神秘的事物

initiate / i5niFieit / vt. 开始, 发动, 传授 v. 开始, 发起

[例] The book was written to initiate to outsiders in the mysteries of the trade. 写这本书是为了让外行初步了解这一行业的奥秘。

[同义] begin, start, introduce, admit, receive

[派生] initiation / i7niFi5eiFEn / n. 开始

evolutionary / 9i:vE`lU:FEnErI / adj. 进化的

[例] It is an evolutionary phenomenon. 那是一个进化现象。

[派生] evolve / i5vClv / v. (使)发展, (使)进展, (使)进化

evolution / 7i:vE5lu:FEn, 7evE- /   n. 进展, 发展, 演变, 进化

prospect / 5prCspekt / n. 景色, 前景, 前途;期望 vi. 寻找, 勘探

[例] The prospecting team ploughed their way through the snows. 勘探队排雪前进。

[同义] perspective, outlook

[派生] prospective / prEs5pektiv / adj. 预期的

[固定搭配]in prospect 可期待; 有...希望; 在考虑中,open up prospects (for) 为 ... 开辟前景

normal / 5nC:mEl / n. 正规, 常态 adj. 正常的, 正规的, 标准的

[例] The normal price of a ticket if $230! 一张票的正常价格是230英镑。

[同义] ordinary, regular

[反义] abnormal

counteract / 7kauntE5rAkt / vt. 抵消, 中和

[例] This drug should counteract the poison. 这药可消解毒性。


1、\"One thing I\'m __ of is that, at the end of the day, after the jury\'s heard all of the evidence, they will find and see that George Ryan is not guilty of all charges in this indictment,\" said Webb, who should not be underestimated on that score despite the multitude of accusations facing his client.

A. cautious   B. confident   C. cancerous   D. mysterious

2、NASA\'s Hubble Space Telescope has snapped a panoramic portrait of a __, sculpted landscape of gas and dust where thousands of stars are being born.

A. vast   B. dormant   C. initial   D. numb

3、Most HIV infections still occur in men, however, the frequency of __ in women is increasing, especially in developing countries.

A. designation   B. participation   C. retort   D. infection

4、To __ as a hunter-gatherer you have to know which you can eat and which to avoid.

A. modify   B. preach   C. survive   D. shrink

5、Please note: this tool will __ the gross amount of your retirement benefit.

A. terrify   B. update   C. persevere   D. estimate

6、In this section you will find arguments of many different kinds for the __ of God.

A. orient   B. ornament   C. existence   D. hazard

7、Find about how to__ important stakeholders -- staff, parents, community members, and other professionals -- in your staff development efforts.

A. heal   B. involve   C. meditate   D. stress

8、We look at how RSS has __ from its humble beginnings through present day and beyond.

A. evolved   B. wrinkled   C. occurred   D. identify

9、We will __ an IDT to transfer funds for the mouse expenses when we begin the injection series. This portion of the fee is about half.

A. glance   B. defy   C. initiate   D. deform

10、Tribal leaders hope to __ Bush budget cuts.

A. delegate   B. calculate   C. counteract   D. boost


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 30

一、真题文章 ( 1994年text 5 )

Discoveries in science and technology are thought by \"untaught minds\" to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold ( 霉 ) on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then. He experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score.

    The point is that the players who score most are the ones who take most shots at the goal ---and so it goes with innovation in any field of activity. The prime difference between innovators and others is one of approach. Everybody gets ideas, but innovators work consciously on theirs, and they follow them through until they prove practicable or otherwise. What ordinary people see as fanciful abstractions , professional innovators see as solid possibilities.

    \"Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there\' s no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done, \" wrote Rudolph Flesch , a language authority, this accounts for our reaction to seemingly simple innovations like plastic garbage bags and suitcases on wheels that make life more convenient : \"How come nobody thought of that before?\"

    The creative approach begins with the proposition that nothing is as it appears. Innovators will not accept that there is only one way to do anything. Faced with getting from A to B, the average person will automatically set out on the best-known and apparently simplest route. The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends.

    Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer.


    一些不了解情况的人认为科学技术的发现来自盲目的灵感或者是戏剧性的意外事故的结果。但Alexander Fleming 并不像传说中的那样,看着奶酪上长出的霉,在那一瞬间就想到了青霉素。在这一发现之前,他已经花了九年的时间实验抗生素物质。发明创造几乎总是来自辛勤的实验和不断的错误之后。创造就像踢足球,即使最好的球员也会失球,并且球被堵射的机会总是比进球的机会要频繁的多。


语言学权威Rudolph Flesch 曾写道:“创造性思维的含义也许就是认识到没有必要总是循规蹈矩的做事情。”这道出了我们对一些发明的反应,如塑料垃圾和带轮子的行李箱,它们外表简单,但给我们的生活却带来了极大的方便,我们总是想“为什么以前没有人想到呢?”




technology / tek5nClEdVi /   n. 技术, 工艺, 工程, 方法制造,

[例] Science and technology is the symbol of the modern society .


[派生] technological   / 7teknE5lCdVikEl /   adj. 科技的

technologist / tek5nClEdVist / n. 技术专家, 工艺学家, 工艺人员

dramatic   / drE5mAtik /   adj. 戏剧性的, 动人的

[例] The mountains , blue –green glaciers, and other dramatic sights are attracting more and more tourists each year . 连绵的山峦,翠绿的冰川,以及其他许多惊心动魄的景色年年吸引着越来越多的游客。

[同义] significant ,noticeable

[派生] drama   / 5drB:mE / n.   (在舞台上演的)戏剧, 戏剧艺术

    dramatics / drE5mAtiks / n. 业余演出(或创作的)戏剧,戏剧效果

legend / 5ledVEnd /   n. 传说, 传奇,伟人传;图例

[例] He is a legend in his own lifetime for his scientific discoveries .


[派生] legendary / 5ledVEndEri /   n. 传奇故事书, 传奇文学 adj. 传说中的

mold   / mEuld / n.1模子, 铸型2霉3性格, 气质 vt. 浇铸, 塑造

[例] He is cast in his father\'s mold.   他长得和他父亲一模一样。

[派生] moldy / 5mEJldI / adj.   发霉的, 腐臭的
 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:04:25 | 只看该作者
antibacterial   / 5AntibAk5tiEriEl /   adj. 抗菌的   n. 抗菌药

[例]The chemist experimented for many times and at last he discovered the antibacterial substances.


innovation / 7inEu5veiFEn / n. 创新, 革新, 改革, 新发明

[例] The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.本世纪发明的空中飞行似乎使世界变小了。

[派生] innovate / 5inEuveit / vi. 改革, 创新

innovative / `InEJveItIv/ adj. 创新的, 革新(主义)的

soccer / 5sCkE / n. 英式足球

[例] Soccer is a popular game played between 2 teams of 11 players who

kick or touch a round ball without using the arms or hands .



[同义] football / 5futbC:l / n.足球, 橄榄球

prime / praim / n. 最初, 青春, 精华 adj. 1主要的, 最初的, 有青春活力的2最好的 v. 1预先准备好, <口>让人吃(喝)足2灌注, 填装

[例]   1灌注: They primed the lamp with oil.     他们为灯加满了油。

    2最好:Spring is the prime time for planting trees.   春天是植树的最好时间。

[派生] primely / `praImlI / adv. 最初, 最好地, 极好地

[同义] chief ,leading ,main , principal

[反义] subordinate

approach / E5prEutF / n. 1接近, 逼近, 走进2方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 1接近2动手处理 vi . 靠近

[例] 1接近:The performance approaches perfection.


    2方法:The approach is perfect.


[同义] reach, come near

[反义] separate ,part

consciously / 5kCnFEs li /   adv. 有意识地, 自觉地

[例] He was badly hurt and could not think consciously .


[派生] conscious / 5kCnFEs / adj.   知道的, 意识到的有知觉的; 处于清醒状态的

fanciful / 5fAnsiful /   adj.     爱空想的, 奇怪的, 稀奇的, 想像的

[例] Your idea is rather fanciful .你的想法颇为虚悬。

[派生] fancy / 5fAnsi / adj.   奇特的, 异样的   vt.   想象, 设想, 认为, 爱好, 自负 n. 爱好, 迷恋, 想象力

abstraction   / Ab5strAkFEn /   n.1抽象概念2提取,萃取,抽出3不切实际的观念4出神5引水,抽血

[例] The idea of redness is an abstraction.   红色概念是一种抽象概念。

[派生]abstract / 5AbstrAkt /   n.   摘要, 概要, 抽象 adj.抽象的, 深奥的, 理论的

vt.摘要, 提炼, 抽象化

abstractionism / Ab`strAkFEnIzEm /   n.【美】抽象主义; 抽象派艺术

professional / prE5feFEnl / n. 自由职业者, 专业人员, 职业运动员, 职业艺人

adj.专业的, 职业的

[例] A lawyer is a professional man. 律师是从事专门职业的人。

[同义] occupational, vocational

[反义] amateur

[派生] profession / prE5feFEn /   n. 职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布

virtue / 5vE:tju: /   n.   德行, 美德, 优点

[例] Honesty is a virtue. 诚实是一种美德。

[同义] morality, merit, goodness

[反义] vice

[派生] virtuous   / 5vE:tjuEs /   adj.善良的, 有道德的, 贞洁的, 有效力的

[固定搭配]by virtue of 由于;靠…的力量 (= in virtue of);

woman of easy virtue (和许多男人发生性关系的)水性女子;

authority   / C:5WCriti/   n. 权威;权威人士;著作权威

[例] Deputies were given authority to make arrests. 代表们被授予拘捕权

[同义] right, power

[派生] authorization / 7C:WErai5zeiFEn / n.授权, 认可

authorize / 5C:WEraIz /   v. 批准

authorized / 5C:WEraIzd /   adj.   权威认可的, 审定的, 经授权的

plastic   / 5plAstik, plB:stik /   n.1塑胶,可塑体,塑料制品2整形   adj.塑胶的, 塑造的, 有可塑性的, 造形的

[例] plastic cups   塑料杯   plastic surgery   整形外科   

garbage / 5^B:bidV /   n.垃圾, 废物

[例] Their advice turned out to be nothing but garbage.


[同义] junk, litter, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste

proposition / 7prCpE5ziFEn / n.   主张, 建议;问题 vi. 提议, 建议

[例] Finding an affordable apartment will be a difficult proposition.


[同义] suggestion

[派生] propose / prE5pEuz /   vt.计划, 建议, 向...提议, 求(婚)

vi.打算, 求婚

apparently / E5pArEntlI /   adv. 显然地, 明白; 外观上地

[例] I wasn’t there , but apparently she tried to drown him .


[同义] evidently

alternate   / C:l5tE:nit / adj. 交替的, 轮流的; 预备的 v. 交替, 轮流, 改变

[例] His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep.


[同义] periodic ,rotate , change

[反义] consecutive, successive, sequent

[派生] alternation / 7C:ltE:5neiFEn /   n.交替, 轮流, 间隔

alternative   / C:l5tE:nEtiv /   n. 二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物 adj.选择性的, 二中择一的

bound   / baund / n. 跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度   adj. 正要启程的, 开往…去的, 被束缚的, 装订的   v. 跳跃, 限制

[例]1跳: His heart bounded with excitement.   他兴奋得心头砰砰直跳。

2限度Our joy knew no bounds.   我们快乐无比。

[同义] jump, leap

[固定搭配]be bound to 必定, 一定;be bound up in 热心于, 专心致志于;

be bound up with 与……有密切联系; 与……利益一致;


1.     His character has been ________ more by his experiences in life than by the education he got at school .

A. beheld     B. harnessed     C. molded     D. condensed

2.     ________ in factories sometimes cause industrial troubles .

A. Processes     B. Motivation   C. Exclusion   D. Innovations

3.     I was attracted by a very _________ woman with flashing eyes and a long black dress.

A. drastic     B. consistent     C. dramatic   D. implicit

4. His book presents a new _______ to the difficulty .

  A. approach     B. consumption   C. contamination   D. array

5. He wore a look of ________ and I knew his thought were far away .

  A. excitement   B. abstraction     C. concentration   D. strain

6. If a footballer handles the ball to stop another player getting it , it is often called a ________ offence .

  A. productive   B. primitive     C. professional     D. potential

7. Look! There are so many dark clouds . It’s ________ to rain .

  A. imperative   B. rival       C. bound       D. desolate

8. The ________ at the town hall are slow to deal with the complaints .

  A. blacksmith   B. authority     C. jargon     D. mount

9. The man wanted to buy our house and made us an attractive _______ .

A. auction   B. judge   C. justice     D. proposition

10. She was so nervous that she ________ in watching the clock and staring at the telephone .

A. alternated     B. amended     C. amazed   D. succeeded


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 31

一、     真题文章(1995年text 1)

Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of . It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor, and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment . It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television license would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 per cent more.

And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once. If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it , and that it represents good value.

Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade.

If its message were confined merely to information---and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly persuasive---advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants.

二、     译文

花钱做广告是我所知道的非常好的花钱方式。它直接帮助货物以合理的价格快速配送出去,以此在国内市场站稳脚跟,并可能以有竞争力的价格提供出口。通过吸引人关注新的概念,广告在很大程度上帮助提高生活的标准;通过帮助增加需求,广告确保了对劳动力的需求的增长,这不失为对抗失业的有效方法。广告也降低了许多服务的成本:没有广告,你的每天的报纸的价格会提高三倍,你的电视许可证的价格会翻番,公共汽车和地铁的费用会上涨20% 。

可能最重要的是,广告对人所购买的产品和服务提供了一种理性价值的保障。国会有27项法案是针对广告的,此外,正式的广告公司不敢推销那些无法兑现承诺的商品。通过误导性的广告可能会短暂的愚弄一些人,但这不会长久,因为公众的眼光是敏锐的 ,他们决不会再上劣质商品的当。如果你看到一个商品一直在做广告,这就是名副其实的最好证明,证明它的质量很好。




三、     考研核心词汇

distribution / 7distri5bju:FEn / n. 1分配, 分发;配给物2销售3发行

[例] The distribution of the paper is 7000 .   该报的销售量为7000份。

[同义] allocation

[派生] distribute / dis5tribju(:)t / vt. 分发, 分配, 分类, 分区

v. 分发

reasonable / 5ri:znEbl / adj. 合理的, 有道理的,讲道理的

[例] a reasonable man   通情达理的人

[同义] fair, just, justifiable, logical ,practical, rational, realistic, sane

[反义] unreasonable / Qn5ri:znEbl / adj. 不讲道理的, 不合理的, 过度的, 不切实际的

thereby / 5TZE5bai / adv. 1 因此, 从而2在那方面, 在那附近

[例] He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.


export / 5ekspC:t / vt. 输出 n. 1输出, 出口2出口商品 v. 出口

[例] China exports to many other countries regions.


[同义] ship

[反义] import / im5pC:t / n. 1 进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入2重要性

vt. 1 输入, 进口2含...的意思;重要 vi. 有关系, 有重要性

enormously / I5nC:mEslI/ adv. 1非常地2巨大地

[例] I\'m enormously grateful for your help.


ensure / in5FuE / vt. 保证, 担保, 使安全 v. 确保, 确保, 保证

[例] Our precautions ensured our safety.


[同义] assure ,defend, guarantee, guard, make certain ,protect

therefore / 5TZEfC: / adv. 因此, 所以

[例] He has broken his leg and therefore he can\'t walk.


[同义] accordingly , consequently, hence

effective / i5fektiv / adj. 1有效的;被实施的2给人深刻印象, 有生力量

[例] The law is effective immediately.


[反义] ineffective / 7ini5fektiv / adj. 无效的, (指人)工作效率低的

[派生] effect / i5fekt / n. 1结果, 效果2作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 vt. 实现, 达到(目的等)

guarantee   / 7^ArEn5ti: /   n. 1保证, 保证书, 担保2抵押品 vt. 保证, 担保

[例] Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.   缺乏兴趣肯定会导致失败

[同义] assure , certify, endorse , pledge , promise, secure , sponsor, swear , warrant

[固定搭配] bank guarantee 银行担保;bid guarantee 投标担保, 承包担保;buyer\'s credit guarantee 买方信贷担保; cash guarantee 保证金;

parliament / 5pB:lEmEnt / n. 国会, 议会

[例] Parliament makes laws.   议会制订法律。

[派生] parliamentary / 7pB:lE5mentEri /   adj. 议会的

promote / prE5mEut / vt. 1促进, 发扬2提升, 提拔, 晋升为

[例] Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster.


[反义] degrade / di5^reid / v. (使)降级, (使)堕落, (使)退化

[派生] promotion / prE5mEuFEn / n. 1促进, 发扬2提升, 提拔, 晋升

mercifully / 5mE:sifuli / adv. 仁慈的, 慈悲的

[例] This letter is mercifully brief . 这封信十分的简短。

[派生] mercy / 5mE:si /   n. 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

merciful / 5mE:siful /   adj.   仁慈的, 慈悲的

inferior / in5fiEriE / adj. 1下等的, 下级的, 差的, 次的2自卑的, 劣等的

[例] Captain is an inferior rank to major.


[同义] lesser , lower , secondary, subordinate , worse

[反义] superior   / sju:5piEriE /   n. 长者, 高手, 上级 adj. 较高的, 上级的, 上好的, 出众的, 高傲的

[固定搭配] be inferior to 在....之下; 次于; 不如;be sb.\'s inferior in 在....方面不及某人;inferior by comparison 相形见绌;

proof   / pru:f /   n. 1证据, 试验, 考验2[印刷]校样 adj. 1不能透入的2证明用的, 防...的;有耐力的 vt. 1检验, 校对2使不被穿透

[例] Is what you say a guess or have your proof?


[同义] evidence

excessively / Ik5sesIvlI /   adv. 过分地, 非常地

[例] \"Besides, excessively large masses of human beings working in a single gigantic building overburden public transportation.\"


[派生] excess / ik5ses, 5ekses / n. 过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过 adj. 过度的, 额外的

distinction / dis5tiNkFEn /   n. 1区别, 差别, 级别;特性2声望, 显赫

[例] A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.   要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。

[派生] distinct / dis5tiNkt /   adj. 清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的

confine / 5kCnfain / vt.   限制, 禁闭 n. 界限, 边界

[例] Please confine your remarks to the issues at hand.


[同义] contain, enclose, imprison, keep in, restrain , surround

[反义] liberate / 5libEreit /   v. 解放, 释放

[派生] confined   / kEn5faind / adj.   被限制的, 狭窄的, 分娩的

  confinement   / kEn5fainmEnt / n. (被)限制, (被)禁闭, 产期, 分娩

merely / 5miEli / adv.   仅仅, 只, 不过

[例] I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.


[同义] barely , only , purely , simply

[派生] mere / miE / adj. 仅仅的, 起码的, 纯粹的

subtly   / 5sQtli / adv. 敏锐地, 精细地, 巧妙地

[例] News media subtly influences the attitudes of our life .


[派生] subtle / 5sQtl / adj. 狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的

personality / 7pE:sE5nAliti / n. 1个性, 人格;人物, 名人2(用复数)诽谤、人身攻击

[例] Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.


[同义] identity , individuality

四、     强化练习

1.     Employers and educators can get practical information about ______ accommodations and how the ADA and other laws apply to people with psychiatric(精神病学的)disabilities in employment or education.

A. blunt     B.   rigid     C.   raw     D. reasonable

2.     Export Finance and Insurance Corporation aims to increase Australian _______ by providing to our clients internationally competitive insurance and finance services.

A. tourism       B. exports     C. agriculture   D. reputation

3.     There are very ______ ways to \"structure\" a query and use special operators to target the results you seek. Absent these techniques, you will spend endless hours looking at useless documents that do not contain the information you want.

A. valid       B. wrong     C. slow       D. effective

4.     Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit (博学者) $240,000 to ______ the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.

A. ripen     B. magnify     C. promote       D. feed

5.     The Feb. 13, 1945 bombing of Dresden by the British Royal Air Force has become a symbol for excessive violence on the part of the Allies during World War II. But with the 60th anniversary of the bombing on Sunday, a new book by British historian Frederick Taylor argues that this view may not be quite accurate. He said “Dresden(德累斯顿,德国Saxony邦首府) Bombing Is To Be Regretted ________\".

A. Enormously   B. Favorably     C. Feasibly       D. Finitely

6.     The _________ mirage(海市蜃楼)forms when light rays passing through a relatively warm layer of air are bent upward from their path.

A. feeble     B. different     C. inferior         D. similar

7.     \"Deciding whether and how to ______ a genetically engineered organism cannot be an afterthought,\" said committee chair T. Kent Kirk, professor emeritus, department of bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a former microbiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

A. confine     B. fire       C. discreet     D. dictate

8.     Theorem([数]定理 ) 3 is remarkable in that considerably fewer conditions than in the previous theorems ______ universality .

A. diffuse     B. differentiate C. assess     D. ensure

9.     The ______ between phenotype(显型)and genotype is fundamental to the understanding of heredity and development of organisms.

A. distinction   B. assault     C. asset       D. contest

10. A ________ disorder is basically a set of traits that combine to negatively affect your life. They have a wide range of causes and some are easier to treat than others.

A. personality   B. purity     C. attachment     D. calculation

 楼主| niuniu 发表于 06-6-22 00:05:03 | 只看该作者
考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 32

一、     真题文章(1995年text 2)

There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language---all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.

 By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they encounter new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this process , the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept .

  In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may \"fail\" at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we perceive ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we\'re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we\'re slow to adapt to change or that we\' re not smart enough to cope with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.

    These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making .

二、     译文





三、     考研核心词汇

external / eks5tE:nl /   adj. 1外部的, 客观的, [医]外用的2外国的

n. 外部, 外面

[例] An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation?   A. R. Gurney, Jr.)


[同义] exterior , outer, outside, surface

[反义] internal / in5tE:nl / adj. 内在的, 国内的

measure / 5meVE / n. 1尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准2方法, 测量, 措施 vt. 1测量, 测度, 估量2分派, 权衡, 调节 vi. 量

[例] 1测量:The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass.


  2较量She measured her power with that of a dangerous adversary.


[同义] appraise ,assess ,compare, estimate ,grade, rank ,rate ,size

[固定搭配] measure up (常与to连用)合格;符合(标准)

contrast / 5kCntrAst / vt. 使与...对比, 使与...对照 vi. 和...形成对照 n. 对比, 对照, (对照中的)差异

[例] My new school was a welcome contrast to the one before.


[同义] compare, liken, match, measure

definition /7defi5niFEn /   n. 1定义2解说3 精确度, (轮廓影像等的)清晰度

[例] Good photographs have definition. 好的照片都很清晰。

[派生] define / di5fain /   vt. 定义, 详细说明

definite / 5definit / adj. 明确的, 一定的

specific / spi5sifik / n. 1特效药2细节   adj. 1详细而精确的, 明确的2特殊的, 特效的, [生物]种的

[例]   I want a specific answer.


[同义] definite ,fixed, particular ,precise, special

[反义] general / 5dVenErEl / n. 1普通2将军3概要 adj. 1一般的, 普通的2综合的, 概括的, 全面的, 大体的 n. 常规

[派生] specify / 5spesifai / vt. 1指定2详细说明, 列入清单

specification / 7spesifi5keiFEn / n. 详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范

signpost / 5saInpEJst/ n.   路标

[例] We usually put up signposts on the highway for the drivers.


landmark / 5lAndmB:k /   n. 1(航海)陆标, 地界标, 里程碑2划时代的事

[例] The Potala Palace is Tibet’s cardinal landmark and a structure that deserves a place as one of the wonders of eastern architecture.


[同义] milestone ,point

attitude / 5Atitju:d / n. 1姿势, 态度,意见

[例] People\'s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.


[同义] opinion ,position ,standpoint ,viewpoint

encounter / in5kauntE / v. 遭遇, 遇到, 相遇 n. 遭遇, 遭遇战

[例] The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration.


[同义] battle, collide, come across, confront ,meet, oppose

obstacle / 5CbstEkl / n. 障碍, 妨害物

[例] We combat obstacles in order to get repose? Henry Adams).


[同义] barrier, block, deterrent ,hindrance ,hitch, impediment obstruction, snag ,stoppage

[反义] help / help / n. 帮忙, 补救办法, 助手, 治疗, <美>佣工 vt. 帮助, 助长, 接济, 治疗, 款待   vi. 有用, 救命, 招待

challenge / 5tFAlindV /   n.   挑战 vt. 向...挑战

[例] He challenged me to play another tennis game.


[同义] confront, dare ,defy ,dispute, doubt ,question

[派生] challenging / 5tFAlindViN / adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的, 挑逗的

risk / risk / vt. 冒...的危险 n. 冒险, 风险

[例] His action risked a sharp reprisal.


[同义] chance, endanger ,expose, gamble ,hazard ,imperil, jeopardize ,venture

[反义] safety / 5seifti / n. 安全, 保险, 安全设备, 保险装置

[固定搭配] run[take] the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事;take no risks 慎重行事;

at risk 在危险中;

confront / kEn5frQnt / vt. 使面临, 对抗

[例] I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law.


[同义] encounter, face , oppose

[派生] confrontation / 7kCnfrQn5teiFEn / n. 面对, 面对面, 对质

essential / i5senFEl / adj. 1本质的, 实质的, 基本的2提炼的, 精华的

n. 1本质, 实质2要素, 要点

[例] What is the essential difference between these two economic systems?


[同义] basic, fundamental, important, necessary , needed, required , vital

[派生] essence / 5esns / n. 基本, [哲]本质, 香精

perceive / pE5si:v / vt. 察觉 v. 感知, 感到, 认识到

[例] I perceived that I could not make her change her mind.


[同义] detect, distinguish, experience, feel make out, observe, recognize sense

[派生] perception / pE5sepFEn / n.理解, 感知, 感觉, DPS公司出的数字影像压缩卡   

perceptive / pE5septiv / adj. 有理解的

tend / tend / vi . 趋向, 往往是 vt.   照管, 护理

[例] People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.


[同义] administer, attend , bend , care for, foster, help , incline

[派生] tendency / 5tendEnsi / n. 趋向, 倾向

indecisive / 7 indi5saisiv / adj. 非决定性的

[例] There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions.


[反义] decisive / di5saisiv / adj.   决定性的

timidity / ti5miditi / n.   胆怯

[例] His timidity prevented him from asking her to the dance .


[派生] timid / 5timid / adj. 胆小的, 羞怯的

hesitate / 5heziteit / v. 犹豫, 踌躇, 不愿

[例] He hesitated before he answered because he didn\'t know what to say.


[同义] falter, flounder, let up ,pause, rest, waver

[反义] dare ,decide ,determine

[派生] hesitation / 7hezi5teiFEn / n. 犹豫, 踌躇

cope / kEup / vi. (善于)应付, (善于)处理

[例] She is not a competent driver and can\'t cope with driving in heavy traffic.


[同义] face, put up ,struggle

insecurity / 7insi5kjuEriti / n. 不安全, 不安全感

[例] The child’s feeling of insecurity was caused by his mother’s early death .


[反义] security / si5kjuEriti / n. 安全

[派生] secure / si5kjuE / adj. 安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的 v. 保护

unavoidable / 5QnE5vCidEbl / adj. 不能避免的, 不能取消的

[例] an unavoidable accident   必然会发生的事故

[同义] certain, inescapable, inevitable , sure

[反义] avoidable / E5vCidEbl /   adj. 可避免的

overcome / 7EuvE5kQm / vt. 战胜, 克服, 胜过 vi. 得胜

[例] We were overcome with joy. 我们喜出望外。

[同义] conquer ,defeat, drive off, frustrate, overpower, surmount

[反义] submit / sEb5mit / v. 使)服从, (使)顺从 vt. 提交, 递交

cease / si:s / v. 停止, 终了

[例] We worked without cease to get the project finished on time.


[同义] discontinue, end, halt, quit ,stop

[反义] begin / bI5^In/ v. 开始, 首先

[固定搭配] cease out 绝迹; cease to be 不再是;cease to be in force 失效;

cease to be in effect 失效;

四、   强化练习

1.     We ______ the length of a race in meters, but the length of the long jump event in feet and inches.

A. abandon   B. discard   C. attain     D. measure

2.     There are 18.2 million Americans with diabetes(糖尿病) -- and nearly one-third of them (or 5.2 million people) do not know it! Take this test to see if you are at ______ for having or developing diabetes.

A. risk       B. gate     C. edge       D. safety

3.     Defining disability is difficult because there are dozens of ______ – each with a purpose to it.

A. definitions   B. consumption C. associations D. attendance

4.     If you ever need anything please don\'t _______ to ask someone else first.

A. think     B. assure     C. hesitate     D. agree

5.     \"It\'s more difficult for unwed(未婚的) mothers to get married, and if they do, they ____ to not marry well,\" said Zhenchao Qian, associate professor of sociology at Ohio State University.

A. likely     B. tend       C. suffer       D. condemn

6.     A group of Turkish female activists ______ Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes yesterday with heated complaints about the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, turning a session designed to highlight the empowerment of women into a raw display of anger at U.S. policy in the region.

A. conformed   B. conceded   C. concluded     D. confronted

7.     Upon joining the firm, all new analysts participate in an intense training program to learn the ______ concepts and methodologies used by practicing management consultants.

A. vertical     B. vice       C. essential     D. visual

8.     When I passed by the house last night, I ____ a man entering the house because I saw the curtain was moving in dark.

A. proceeded   B. perceived   C. vibrated     D. renovated

9.     Discipline is a requirement to conform _____ standards of conduct. It arises from the need to bring about a balance between what an individual wants to do, what he wants of others, and the limitations and restrictions demanded by society or by the hazards in the physical environment.

A. external     B. internal   C. inside       D. grim

10. I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very brave little girl _____ a fear, and congratulating myself for being a self-sufficient single parent.

A. grope         B. overcome   C. flap     D. bump


考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 33

一、     真题文章(1995年text 3)

    In such a changing , complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated. Many of life\' s problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. Where to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today.

  In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since World WarⅡ. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. The almost unconscious flow of information about the simplest aspects of living can be cut off. Thus, things once learned subconsciously through the casual communications of the extended family must be consciously learned .

  Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before. Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files, and to program computers to locate specific information. Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages. Satellites have extended the power of communications to report events at the instant of occurrence. Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site. Technology has facilitated the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.

In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their business, social and family life, will survive and succeed. \"Knowledge is power\" may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people.







complex / 5kCmpleks / adj. 1复杂的2合成的, 综合的 n.联合体

[例] A computer is certaintly a complex machine.


[同义] complicated ,confused, inclination, involved , mixed ,

[反义] brief ,plain ,simple

formerly /5fC:mElI/   adv. 从前, 以前, 原来

[例] \"He formerly worked in a university, but now he\'s a lawyer.\"


[派生] former / 5fC:mE /   adj. 从前的, 以前的 n. 形成者, 创造者, 模型, 样板

solution / sE5lju:FEn /   n. 1解答, 解决办法2溶解, 溶液

[例] This is the only practicable solution imaginable.


[同义] answer , explanation ,finding ,outcome ,resolution, result;mixture

[派生] solute / 5sClju:t / n. 溶解物, 溶质
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