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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-13 14:29:56 | 只看该作者
catallena 发表于 14-10-14 13:14:55 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-13 14:05
        As the picture above shows, Mr. Zhuge, who has no certifica ...

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-14 18:38:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-10-14 18:50 编辑

        Nothing is so inconceivable and attention-grabbing as the picture depicts. A man who is ingenious was rejected by the(前面用的是a man,且此处的突出描述对象是前者,因此改为an较好) employer, only because he does not have the so-called diploma(需明确diploma的具体含义,其指的是“毕业证书”“毕业文凭”,因此这里不可以用the特指限定,改为a diploma). There is no denying the fact that the picture aims at revealing a current problem:diploma discrimination(诸葛先生根本没有毕业文凭,因此谈不上是文凭歧视,而应为“学历至上”或“学历决定论”).
         (第一段点评:文章首段严格按照考研英语作文写作模式,先描述图画再说明寓意。较好的一点在于,作者并没有使用千篇一律的As is vividly depicted…或是As we can see …,在引出图画这方面相对比较新颖。不足之处在于:其一,作者未表明a man为诸葛先生,须知诸葛亮这一形象代表着广大有能力却没有文凭的求职者,对于解读图画主旨起着至关重要的作用;其二,图画寓意概括不够精准,“文凭歧视”和“学历至上”还是有所差异。此外,注意保持时态前后的相对统一。)

        Many companys(companies), if not most,harbor the idea that those individuals who have higher academic degrees(此处缺少同位语从句的谓语动词,加also have)the(删除)higher human skills. This produces some self-deceptive people who(produce用词不够恰当,建议整体改为makes some self-deceptive people) pursue high academic degrees neglecting the cultivate (改为cultivation,cultivate为动词)of capabilities. And others with low academic degrees can hardly find(加a)suitable job.What’s more,even some indiduals(individuals)in order to get a pleasurable job fabricate the diploma(注意语序和表达,可改为some individuals even use fudged record in order to get an ideal job).

        All of those factors make it necessary to change some ideas about the relationship between the diploma(用educational background,即“学历”恰当一些) and capablity(capability) to eliminate this phenomenon. For one thing,if we really(受汉语影响,建议删除)don’t have the(改为a)diploma, it is deeply important for us to enhance our own capablities(capabilities) when we have the opportunity to learn, either to improve ourselves or to hut(hunt for)a good job. For another,as (根据句意,此处应改为to)a employment(仅从语法角度而言应该把a 改为an,因为以元音开始的名词,前面的不定冠词用an;但是,从语言表达方面而言,需要删除employment,因为recruiter即含有“招聘人员”之意) recruiter,to be sure,the certificate (educational background)is important,but it is not the only principl(principle) in job-huntin(job-hunting).


1. 在描述图画时,要抓住图画重点信息及其暗含意义,以描述更加到位,这样更利于文章主体内容的展开。
2. 作者在构思文章时,一定要理清思路,把握前后内容的逻辑性,论述要切合图画主旨,直击要害。
3. 文章有一些语法错误,需注意谓语动词、词语词性和冠词的用法。
4. 文章有几处单词拼写错误,需加强词汇记忆。
5. 文章的一些表达不够精准,这一点可能是由于作者不了解词汇的自身含义,同时也受汉语思维影响。建议作者在记忆词汇时查阅其英文释义,并逐步提升自己的英语思维。

                                                                                                                    2014年 10月14日


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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-14 18:54:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-10-14 18:56 编辑
棋子233 发表于 14-10-10 15:40
The picture shows the employer refuse to employ Mr.Zhuge who don't have diploma and can't  speak Eng ...

        The picture shows the employer refuse(主语employer为单数,为了保持主谓一致改为refuses,亦可使用一般过去时态refused) to employ Mr. Zhuge who don’t have (加a)diploma and can’t speak English.
        (第一段点评:本段用一句话简要地概括了图画的内容,包含了图画表面所含的所有信息employer, refuse, Mr. Zhuge, diploma和English。需注意的是,图画之所以把应聘者这一角色设定为诸葛先生,是因为其想要表现该应聘者“尽管没有文凭,也不懂英语,但其自身能力很强”,所以最好点明图画所隐含的这一深层要素——能力。)

        It seems that diploma(diplomas,可数名词在句中出现时,要么为“冠词+可数名词单数”形式,要么为复数形式。)and English are indispensable to get a position. However,there are still have(句式杂糅,以致于一个简单句中出现两个谓语动词,删除have)a sizable portion of people who don’t have (加a)diploma and can’t speak English,even either(注意逻辑关系,even表示递进的意思,而“两者都不会”和“其中一个不会”之间的关系并非如此。可改为who don’t have a diploma, or the skill of speaking English, or neither of them). But they are talent(改为talented)and have more work experiences and skills.
       (第二段点评:考研英语写作中,描述完图画之后要阐述图画寓意,而本文的It seems that diploma and English are indispensable to get a position与图画寓意有所偏差。此外,本段讲述的是“文凭和英语对于找工作至关重要,但是一部分人却没有文凭或不懂英语,尽管其天赋秉然且能力突出”,这一内容属于对现象的解释说明,即重申现象,并没有展开具体的论述。)

        I considered that employee(根据句意,此处应为雇主之意,且应用复数,改为employers) should not only attach importance to the diploma and English but assign jobs to people according (加to)their talent and abilities.



1. 文章的字数不符合考研英语一大纲写作要求(160—200字),只有80个字,这一点严重影响文章得分。作者需扩充文章的内容,建议在写作前进行头脑风暴,联系所有与之相关的内容,然后理清各个内容之间的关系,选取自己容易驾驭的部分组织成文。此外,在平时的复习中,积累常见话题的写作素材,这样不至于在考场上无话可说。
2. 文章主体段(第二段)仅在重申现象,比较空洞,建议作者可以论述学历和能力之间的关系。
3. 文章有一些语法错误,注意主谓一致、冠词、名词的数、词性等相关的语法知识。同时在记忆单词时也要注意词语的词性。
4. 文章有一处逻辑问题,在写之前一定要理清句意关系,以保证逻辑正确严谨。

                                                                                                                                     2014年 10月14日


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小椰 发表于 14-10-14 20:57:48 | 只看该作者
kai_wx 发表于 14-10-14 22:57:01 来自手机设备或APP | 只看该作者
小椰 发表于 14-10-14 20:57

Davinci86 发表于 14-10-14 23:27:01 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-14 18:54
        The picture shows the employer refuse(主语employer为单数,为了保持主谓一 ...

能不能改下我的 老师
追毛线团的猫 发表于 14-10-15 08:48:11 | 只看该作者
小四爷 发表于 14-10-15 12:32:20 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-10-14 18:38
        Nothing is so inconceivable and attention-grabbing as the picture depicts. A  ...

醉茶茶 发表于 14-10-15 14:31:41 | 只看该作者
In the picture, a man sits behind a wooden table that covered a cloth. “Recruit People” is written on it. Zhu Geliang who is one of the most wise man in china during 5000 years stands in front of the table and wants to attend this recruit. But, the man tells him severely that because he has no any degrees and certifications about English language, he is not allowed to take part in it. The picture reveals an event that the company always equals real ability with degree or certification.

There is an inevitable situation that gives rise to this event. The number of people who graduate from school is large. The number of people who graduated one or two years ago who still have no job is big. The number of people who need a job because of other reasons is also big. Sum up the three big numbers, an incredible number could be gotten. Therefore, facing so unbelievable number of people without a job, the company that has no ability to interview so much many interviewees needs to make some sample and useful standard to reduce the number. Degree and certification become the first choice. Obviously, although the way of selecting people is not good, it can save money and time. That is the reason that the company adopts this method and thinks degree and certification can represent a person’s ability.

For changing this event, scientists should establish a critic standard. It can offer a scientific way to help the company to get the employee with useful skills, and also let people have a clear understanding about the structure of their knowledge. Finally, it can form a situation of win-win.
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