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        第三期活动来啦,先公布两个喜讯:    1.下周起每期活动总结改为周六发,新的话题也是周六发布。这意味着什么呢?意味着每期活动老师多了一天时间来修改哦,鼓掌![p:30] [p:30] [p:30]

    2.偷偷透露一下,下周老师不像这两周那么忙,于是嘛,详细修改的篇数也会比之前有所增加,所以后面提交作文的考生也有福了。 当然,老师依然是先修改前3篇习作,随机修改后面的。[m:56] [m:56] [m:56]


本期活动话题选自《写作160篇》重点预测  品格修养类“毅力与恒心”

Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay,you should
1. describe the drawing briefly;
2. explain its intended meaning, and then
3. give your comments.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)



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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-3 08:18:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-11-3 08:24 编辑




②部分考生在描述图画时使用过多评述性语言,如同一篇文章中出现“What an illuminating, enlightening andthought-provoking image it is!”“Few things could be so symbolic as the illustration depicts”“It goes far beyondany reasonable dispute that what the illustrator virtually aims to convey is byno means simple”。要知道,描述图画是为了引出图画寓意,因此应抓住图画重点来进行描述,评述性语言一句即可。



1. 部分语言表述不精准,如与图画不契合,需仔细审视图画,并予以准确表达。
2. 受汉语影响,语言使用不够地道。或是表述累赘(如状语使用重复),或是搭配不得当,或是用词不准确,更有甚者直接根据汉语逐词翻译。这需要逐渐通过记忆和阅读来提升,积累常用表述,并逐步提升自己的英语思维能力。
3. 在未了解模版句子自身结构的情况下进行模仿,致使出现语法错误。建议考生在模仿模板句子之前,先分析模版句子构成,在此基础之上再进行仿写。此外,模版句子还有一个弊病,有的内容空泛,致使文章空洞无物。
4. 部分考生因为词汇量比较匮乏,导致同一个词语在文章中反复出现。建议在平时的复习中,多积累同一意义的不同表达,在作文的过程中进行同意替换,也可通过使用代词或定语从句等,来避免名词重复。同时,在阅读范文的过程中,逐渐积累同意替换的技巧。
5. 一些考生文章并没有多少语法错误,但是语句平淡无奇。针对这种情况,要想在语言上获得提升,可以通过使用一些“非谓语动词及短语作状语、独立主格结构、插入语、定语从句、主语从句、表语从句、强调句、倒装句、感叹句”等来丰富文章的语法结构。但是,文章不是长句越多越好,而应长短结合、错落有致。

1. 保持主谓一致,尤其是定语从句中的主谓一致。此外,“the+形容词”表示一类人,相当于复数名词,其后所跟谓语动词为复数。
2. 注意连词的用法,保证前后成分对等。
3. 注意各类从句不同引导词的正确使用。
4. 注意动词的主动语态和被动语态。
5. 介词后跟名词、代词和动名词,不能跟动名词。
6. 注意时态的选取,并保持前后时态的相对统一。一般情况下,描述图画和叙述现状或一般现象,都使用相应的现在时态。
7. 注意冠词的使用:什么时候前加冠词,什么时候不加冠词,a用在辅音前,an用在元音钱。尤其应注意抽象名词前一般不加冠词。
8. 注意as的用法。
9. 注意宾语从句、同位语从句的语序(由疑问句转化过来时,同时注意后面所使用的标点符号)。
10. it’s high time that后面跟虚拟语气(“主语+动词过去式”或“主语+shoulddo”)。
11. 注意倒装句的使用:一方面需清楚倒装句使用的条件;另一方面清楚倒装句的语序。尤其应区分部分倒装与完全倒装的区别。
12. 区分such as和for example的用法。
13. 注意名词的单复数,尤其注意oneof后面跟可数名词复数。
14. 注意代词的使用,应与前面的名词保持意义和数的一致。
15. 注意区分谓语与非谓语动词,避免句子缺乏谓语或出现双谓语。
16. 注意保证句子的完整性。
17. 清楚哪些词后面跟句子,哪些词后面跟短语。

1. 注意近义词辨析(如almost和nearly)。
2. 注意同根词辨析(如sweated和sweaty)。
3. 注意形近词辨析。
4. 注意词语的词性。
5. 保证词汇拼写正确。



cnblue0730 发表于 14-10-25 09:04:19 | 只看该作者
cnblue0730 发表于 14-10-25 09:02
Optimistically and positively, a handicapped boy is making every effort to climb a high mountain,  ...

paragraph 发表于 14-10-25 01:56:49 | 只看该作者
人云亦云的恩 发表于 14-10-24 21:47
What a thought-provking picture it is!A boy who stands on the bottom of a high mountain is climb ...

另外 , 楼上那个写了284个 , 会不会有点太多了...
苍州越 发表于 14-10-24 20:24:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 苍州越 于 14-10-26 22:40 编辑

As is vividly depicted in the picture.facing one mountain after another,a disable boy, who burdens a heavy bag ,is on the road to his the same time,the word of ”persistent”is showed in our eyes.
The purpose of the cartoonist is that we should play high value on the the “fast and furious ”environment,the unspoken pressure and fierce competitions are in,especially for those dedicated to showing their ambition,which means,to get greatest success or survive in society,the road you choose must be firmly focused on.a good case comes into my mind is the exam of postgraduate,although ones abilities and konwledges should be taken into the consideration,what is surprised at us.students having  the ticket remind us of the word “persistence’ one wave after another.because without it,you would lose impatient to wait for the fantastic future that is at next second
Rome is not built in a day.persistence never has all the answer,but  persistence does provide us with the best available guide to the future.only in this way the bud you plant would bloom.
ally1977 发表于 14-10-24 21:20:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ally1977 于 14-10-24 21:36 编辑

Persistence and determination

As is vividly shown in the picture, there is a boy who wanted to climb mountains.But his right leg is still physical disability.The sweat broke out all over his head. He must be exhausted after trudging all that way with his backpack.Without persistence and determination,nobody could stay there.

Patience is important in doing everything. Without persist,we are easy to abandon our attempt halfway.When Li Bai was young,he is very bright, but he doesn't study hard,and want to midway.One day, he meet a grandma who sanding an iron rod beside stream.Grandma said:"Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle."Li Bai immediately understood.From then on,he kept his nose to the grindstone all year and got the huge success.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. But we are not born with it.Only through constant practice, can we improve our persistence ability. As long as we keep going,we will succeed in time.
人云亦云的恩 发表于 14-10-24 21:47:41 | 只看该作者
   What a thought-provking picture it is!A boy who stands on the bottom of a high mountain is climbing this mountain,holding a stick that helps him climb.The boy seems to be tired out but never gives up his goal.As Chinese characters shown:Perseverance and never giving up.This phenomenon is pervasive in our society in which we live in.
   As is abundantly clear from the drawing,a vital information can be conveyed——the importance of perseverance.Indeed,for everyone,perseverance,whether it is just in our university or to a diverse society,may exert a positive impact on our daily life.For example,in our university,encountering more difficulties in the process of researching is a common phenomenon.Yet,the same situation we face have entirely differencent consequence resulting from the degree of perseverancing we exert.Meantime,in our society,most people just understand the meaning of perseverance,but innovators work conciously on their perseverance,and they fellow it through until they prove practicable.Thesefore,most people exaggerate the difficulties and overlook their strength of persevering.The perseverance is that which can stir us up most and make us the most courageous to do something and be something ourselves.
    In my opinion,perseverance is not only value but also habit——habit that can be couraged in society settings,with benifits in later life. To be seen as healthy attitude in our life,the measures are clear:Alaways remain ourselves of avoiding lazy implication and cultivate a brave heart.In addition,children should be educated to elude negative outlook by parents and teachers so as not to be misguided,which will bring unanticipated satisfacations and achieving further success.All in all,whatever we do,do with perseverance,with the whole mind.It will spur us onto even greater heights.
_Psyche 发表于 14-10-24 22:55:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 _Psyche 于 14-10-25 21:59 编辑


    As is vividly depicted in the cartoon , a handicapped adolescent is climbing a mountain . In the drawing , carrying a bag , the disabled is climbing with painstaking effort walk the street of the mountain , sweat pouring down his face . And this picture is named “perseverance and never  give up”.

    The painter wants to tell us , just like the man on the portrayal , whatever we are doing , we should never give up and never stop making progress . First and foremost , it applies to individuals as in such a competitive world is cracking hard nut and trying to go ahead . By contrast , a lot of people choose to take a rest to enjoy their small success and thus the motivation and perseverance for further achievement . Furthermore , the country on the whole should hold onto and move forward in terms of politics , economy , and culture so that we Chinese as a nation can gain sustained respect from other peoples .

    It is my view that , firstly , we can frequently use the drawing to enlighten the juvenile to keep going whenever problems they faced with . Secondly , whatever difficulty or situation we are confronted with , those who have the spirit of keep going and never say give up are nearer to success . As the old saying goes , “ success belongs to the persevering ”.

Davinci86 发表于 14-10-25 00:25:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Davinci86 于 14-10-25 00:27 编辑

       This picture showed that a young climber---carrying heavy bag,bearing angular shoes and using his stick---was arriving at the foot of a towering hill.Although the road of climbing was very rugged,there was firm and persistent in his eyes.”Willpower and perseverance” was wrote on the top of picture.
     Congratulations,young man,you was going were going to began a hard trip,but was there anyone not in these difficult world?We must complete our dreams and vacations with willpower and perseverance which could concentrate our attention on our goals and restrict inferference caused by loneliness and confusing.Chen Jinrun,a famous mathematician,was locked himself in a small kitchen that include only one window.How did he deal with loneliness and confusing,as he was solving Goldbach conjecture.It were willpower and perseverance.The scientist of two bombs and one satellite were working at western desert with disgusting environment.That were willpower and perseverance too.A person or a nation who had little willpower and perseverance,did not achieve great vacation.Without willpower and perseverance,a great number of students lost in the GMT which started with more than 1000,000 students every year.During the course of urban construction,by less willpower and perseverance,the upgrade was stopped again and again.That was a very serious problem.
     In my opinion, every person must establish a plan to practice our willpower and perseverance,which are very important condition for our success and family happiness.At the same time,the government will create positive person who are willpower and perseverance to encourage us to work hard for contributing.
Davinci86 发表于 14-10-25 00:29:06 | 只看该作者
Davinci86 发表于 14-10-25 00:25
This picture showed that a young climber---carrying heavy bag,bearing angular shoes and using ...

终于写完了 抢到7楼 还算不错 望老师打分 老师打分很重要 谢谢 这次又是3个小时
笔为剑 发表于 14-10-25 00:38:05 | 只看该作者
人云亦云的恩 发表于 14-10-24 21:47
What a thought-provking picture it is!A boy who stands on the bottom of a high mountain is climb ...

paragraph 发表于 14-10-25 01:55:29 | 只看该作者
what a enlightenling drawing it is ! As it is depicted , we can see aexhausting but still striving man climb mountain with a stick slowly . Above the picture is a title writed , which we can inferred its intended meaning simply from those words , willpower and perseverance .
    it's apprant that its intended meaning of this cartoon is to underline the significant importance of the willpower and perseverance . indeed ,we heard the whisper all life long , yet , it's still a  difficult decision to make that should we give up , if doom ?on the one aspect , inner place deep inside our heart so desire it , however , on the counterpart , we face the risk that we may not get what we aspire even when we fight exhausted . there is no deny that it even more unacceptable emotionly that we fighted we lost than we just lost .
    Nontheless , should we just let it go unwillingly ? certainly not !in my position of view , we must acknowledge that some time , we hang on there so much not since we have  got the faith to believe that we can achieve our dreams , as because that is the only wya to keep our hope alive .

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