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【翻译的基本方法和技巧之一】 (资料来源: 朱泰祺《新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》)
a 根据词在句中的词类来选择词义
例:Censorship is for the good of society as a whole. Like the law, it contributes to the common good.
分析:本句中“like”作介词,意为“像……一样”。但“like”作动词用,则意为“喜欢;想要”。如:He likes films with happy endings.
b 根据上下文和词在句中的搭配关系选择词义
例:(出自1994年研英真题文章头一句)According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.
分析:school前面有定冠词the,后面有scientists, 回到原文中看它不能简单翻译成“学校”,有些朋友可能就像天心头一次接触它时那样不知道school还有“学派”的意思。它是一词多义的。如:different schools of thought 各种不同的思想派系;the Impressionistic School 印象派。
注意:当我们看到如different schools of thought这样的短语时要格外注意它的单复数情况,如果是复数,则一定记得在译文中加上“各种”等表示复数的字眼。
c 有些英语名词须根据其数来选择词义
例:The parcel you post must be well packed .Inadequate packing can mean delay,damage or loss at your expense.
分析:在at one’s expense 或at the expense of 中的expense 只能用单数,意为“归…付费(或负担)”,“在损害(或牺牲)……的情况下”。如:Those who try to profit at the expense of others will come to no good end.(企图损人利己的人不会有好下场)。“expense”作复数用,意为”开支,经费”,如:The government will provide you with financial support to cover your expenses during your stay abroad.(政府将向你提供经济资助以支付你在国外的费用。)
【作业】 (答案公布在本帖二楼)
1 请把红色字体的句子翻译成中文。 (黑体处为上下文)
When an invention is made,inventor has three possible courses of action open to him: he can give the invention to the world by publishing it ,keep the idea secret, or patent it .Secrecy obviously evaporates once the invention is sold or used ,and there is always the risk that in the meantime another inventor ,working quite independently, will make and patent the same discovery .A granted patent is the result of a bargain struck between an inventor and the state ,by means of which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates. Once the monopoly period comes to an end , all those details of the invention pass into the public domain .
2请用四步翻译法对下面句子进行结构分析和句子划分. (来自1994年真题)
Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.
3请将上面的句子推敲词义并翻译成中文。 (请特别注意glory的翻译。)
1 从以上句子中选取两个进行练习,答案请选楼主可见,参与者均奖励22KY。只完成一句或不按要求做者,恕不奖励。三句全完成者奖励30KY
2 说说你的翻译技巧,或对本节目的建议意见,积极参与者均奖励20KY
【不得不恋栏目计划】 :每期大约三句供选择。每周一至周六,周日自己回顾。
[ 本帖最后由 tangshufang 于 2008-11-18 15:46 编辑 ] |